Jane Fonda Shares Super Relatable Parenting Regret

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The 85-year-old actress is a mother to Mary Luana Williams, 55, Vanessa Vadim, 54 and Troy O'Donovan Garity, 49.

Jane Fonda tries not to live with regrets, but there is one aspect of her life that she wishes she had done differently.

The 80 For Brady actress and mother of three candidly admitted in a recent interview that she has some remorse when it comes to parenting.

"I was not the kind of mother that I wished that I had been to my children," the 85-year-old stated during a conversation with CNN's Chris Wallace. "I have great, great children—talented, smart. And I just didn't know how to do it."

Fonda, a mom to Mary Luana Williams, 55, Vanessa Vadim, 54 and Troy O'Donovan Garity, 49—claimed she has now learned better, explaining, "I've studied parenting, and I know what it's supposed to be now."

"I didn't know then. So I'm trying to show up now," she added.

The Grace and Frankie alum also talked about tying up all of her loose ends before approaching the end of her life, stressing the importance of trying "to clear everything up before you go."

"What I'm really scared of is getting to the end of life with a lot of regrets when there's no time to do anything about it," she confessed. "It's one reason I'm trying to get it all done before I come to the end."

Fonda, whose cancer is in remission, told Parade earlier this month that she still has a lot of life to live, and that she doesn't plan on slowing down anytime soon.

"I'm a healthy, energetic person who loves life and feels there's a lot to be done," she told us. "And I want to do as much as I can."

Read more of Jane Fonda's exclusive conversation with Parade