Jane Fonda Has This to Say About Megyn Kelly's Now Viral Plastic Surgery Question


As Twitter may have informed you, Jane Fonda is not about to be shamed for her choice to get plastic surgery.

On Wednesday’s episode of Megyn Kelly Today, the former Fox anchor sat down with screen legends Jane Fonda and Robert Redford to discuss their upcoming film, Our Souls at Night—or at least that’s what the actors were told they’d be discussing.

Instead, Kelly threw Fonda a curveball and asked her about something pretty off topic: her plastic surgery.

“You admit you’ve had work done, which I think is to your credit,” Kelly began. “You look amazing. I read that you say you’re not proud to admit you’ve had work done—why not?”

After a thoughtful beat, Fonda returned Kelly’s volley, asking the host, “We really want to talk about that right now?”

Tersely, the two-time Oscar winner noted her “good attitude” and “good posture” as factors behind her youthful appearance before redirecting the conversation to the topic at hand: her movie.

Social media quickly jumped aboard Fonda’s bandwagon:

Later in Fonda and Redford’s press-heavy day, they met with ET Canada, who asked them both how they felt about Kelly’s inappropriate question.

“I was a little bit shocked by her question,” a reporter told the actress. “Were you shocked by it?”

“A little bit,” Fonda, 79, responded, “Given the fact that we don’t have a lot of time and Bob [Redford] is right here, it was a weird thing to bring up, whether I’ve had plastic surgery or not. I have, and I’ve talked about it, but it just seemed like the wrong time and the place to raise that question.”

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Redford, for his part, was a tad murkier on the details. After ET’s reporter refreshed his memory on the morning’s events, the 81-year-old said, “I think [Jane] didn’t want to go there. I think she didn’t want to have the show turned into about her and her surgery, her look—it was about the quality of the performance.” After sharing his take, the Out of Africa star admitted he “wasn’t paying a lot of attention.”

OK, Robert Redford isn’t the greatest Robin to Jane’s Batman, but honesty is always admirable.