James Harden Is GQ's May 2018 Cover

James Harden's year so far has been pretty okay: he led his Houston Rockets to the NBA's best regular season record, all but locked up the NBA's Most Valuable Player award, and recorded the most disrespectful crossover in the history of basketball (seriously, watch it). Now he's got one more accolade to add to a resume that's nearly as full as his beard: first-ever GQ cover. It—like that MVP trophy—has been a long time coming, given the wacky, maximalist off-court style that has always complemented his on-court dominance.

So we dressed him in the spring's wildest fashion—say it with us: pink glitter shorts—and had Erin Madigan Heck capture him in all of his colorful, kaleidoscopic glory. Then we sent writer Devin Gordon to ask the candy-loving (he's literally sponsored by a candy company) superstar about a few things: the perils of eating with a beard on blind dates; what NBA moms talks about when they hang out (which they do); why he had to lick his lips when he sent poor Wesley Johnson's ankles to an early grave; and how he plans to dethrone the Golden State Warriors' God Squad to capture an NBA title. No surprise that he handled it all like a champ.
