Jameela Jamil and Model Sarah Sampaio Are Having the Most Intense Twitter Fight and It’s a Lot

From Cosmopolitan

  • Actress Jameela Jamil and model Sara Sampaio are in a Twitter feud about the modeling industry.

  • Sara took offense at Jameela's tweet about "long-starved terrified teenagers" in the industry.

Aside from being literally the best part of The Good Place, Jameela Jamil is an activist and outspoken critic of the more problematic parts of celebrity/influencer culture—especially when it comes to unrealistic beauty standards! Which brings us to Jameela's recent tweet celebrating this amazing-looking runway—which apparently model Sara Sampaio took issue with due to the actress' comment about "long-starved terrified teenagers."

Sara hit back at Jameela on Twitter, writing "How about celebrating someone without bringing other people down? Calling runway models 'long-starved terrified teenager' is extremely offensive. From someone that is always preaching for body positivity this just screams hypocrisy."

Jameela responded with a fair point, explaining that she didn't "say all models in my tweet," and that the important thing to note here is that "the *vast* majority issue with young girls starving themselves, and using drugs and cocaine to control their weight, to meet the very small sample sizes." She also told Sara that if she doesn't see that, she's in a "bubble."

Sara still didn't back down, saying "You didn’t say all models, sure, but you still chose to attack girls just so you can celebrate others. Eating disorders, drugs and cocaine use aren’t a [sic] exclusive problem of models, it’s a huge problem is society as a whole. And when you talk like you know for sure majority of."

She also told Jameela it was simple to celebrate people without "dragging" others.

Jameela fired back that this wasn't "the hill" Sara wanted to die on, and doubled down on her comments about the modeling industry being "dangerous" for too many people.

"We have to call out what is societally wrong/dangerous, however, whenever, we can," she said. "Regardless of whether or not it is appropriate or comfortable."

Jameela also pointed out that she, too, was a model, and dropped this: "Perhaps you’re new to my work. Your beloved industry is highly toxic and you’re on the wrong side here":

The exchange went on for a while and there are way too many tweets to include here, but at the end of the day Jameela told Sara (who accused Jameela of using "derogatory words") to "Find a better cause to fight for, because this ain’t it. You can do more than this, you’re smart. Help girls, don’t normalize this."

Honestly, this ended up being and interesting convo with a bunch of important points made, just sayin'!

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