Jake Paul denies looting after viral video shows him looting

YouTube star Jake Paul took to Twitter to issue an apology on May 31 after videos showed him looting and vandalizing an Arizona mall. “To be absolutely clear, neither I nor anyone in our group was engaged in any looting or vandalism,” Paul said in the statement. Rather, the vlogger claims that he and his friends were at the mall to “peacefully protest” and “[film] the events and brutality that were unfolding in Arizona”. “We filmed everything we saw in an effort to share our experience and bring more attention to the anger felt in every neighborhood we traveled through; we were strictly documenting, not engaging”. Many people even responded to Paul’s statement with videos of him and his friends seemingly taking part in vandalization and looting. Online, fellow YouTubers are calling out Paul for refusing to take accountability for his accounts. “You are on camera with a bottle of vodka looted from a PF Chang’s,” YouTuber Elijah Daniel wrote in response to Paul’s apology. “You’re completely full of s***,” YouTuber Daniel Preda added. “Grow the f*** up, sit your ass at home, donate, educate, read and do some actual good instead of this clownery”. Though people all across the country are peacefully protesting police violence and institutional racism. it appears that some folks have used this as an excuse and opportunity to cause chaos — and for the most part, those individuals appear to be white