Jake Paul Apologized for His Offensive Behavior

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Photo credit: Getty

From Seventeen

Jake Paul won Choice YouTuber at the 2017 Teen Choice Awards; his girlfriend Erika Costell presented him with the iconic surfboard. After Jake accepted the award, he made a formal apology for his offensive behavior this summer, which includes burning furniture in his backyard and telling a Kazakhstani fan he sounds like he's "just going to blow someone up."

"The past few months have humbled me quite a bit, and I have to be more mindful of my actions and words and how they impact others," Jake said. "It's been a crazy journey, and I just want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I'm gonna forget all the negative press and focus on being the best version of myself."

Considering that a lot of people were upset that Jake was even invited to the award show, hopefully his apology is the first step of many toward making much-needed amends.

Still not feeling Jake? Maybe his unfortunate fall will make you feel better.


Hannah Orenstein is the Assistant Features Editor at Seventeen.com. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

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