Jake Moe Shares The Experience That Started Powder Magazine

The video below shows Jake Moe reliving the moment he decided he to create Powder Magazine one day at Sun Valley, ID in 1971.

Please sit back, relax, and listen as Moe tells the story the only way he knows how- with energy, enthusiasm, and excitement:

Caption: "How “Powder” magazine started!

From co-founder Jake Moe:

The year was 1971 and I was on the Ski Patrol in Sun Valley Idaho. I ‘escaped’ the classroom at the University of Washington in the Winter of 1968 and fled to Sun Valley, Idaho and joined the Ski Patrol. After a couple of years of blowing off cornices, rescuing injured skiers and lifting a ton of chair lift tower pads…I knew that Ski Patrol worked couldn’t be my life long job. Then I saw a copy one of the first copies of Surfer Magazine…and, the rest is history. There had to be a magazine created for skiers as Surfer was for surfers. And, on the Christmas Single Chairlift it hit me like a bolt of lightening. All alone, I blurted out...”I am going to start a MAGAZINE!”

Thank goodness he had that epiphany on the Christmas Single Chairlift at Sun Valley back in 1971!! I certainly wouldn't be here if he hadn't.

Powder Magazine has had some bumps and bruises along the way, but we're officially BACK, and actively working to reclaim our status as the voice of skiers across the globe.

In fact, Jake Moe has his own channel right here on Powder's website where he's regularly uploading content. Click here to check it out!

I won't get all sappy on you in this quick article, but I will say that the honor of working for such a prestigious publication is not lost on me. It's a dream come true, and a heavy responsibility that I bear.

Thanks for spending your time with us here at Powder Magazine. We appreciate every single one of you.

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