Jaclyn Hill Returns to Social Media to Address Her Lipstick Controversy: “My Launch Was a Failure”

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Seventeen

Over a month ago, the beauty community was in the midst of yet another emotional upheaval. OG beauty guru and YouTuber Jaclyn Hill launched her highly-anticipated beauty brand, only for customers to find everything from hairy fibers to bits of plastic embedded in their lipsticks.

Then, right in the middle of all the drama, Jaclyn herself disappeared off the face of the internet. She deactivated both her Instagram and Twitter, leaving only her YouTube account intact. Now, she's finally back.

For the first time since her apology video, Jaclyn has uploaded to YouTube. She returned to social media with a video called "Where I've Been," addressing her "failure" of a launch.

"[Launching a makeup brand has] always been my dream, which is why this whole thing has been so hard for me, because I completely failed. Like, I say it every day and I still choke on those words. My launch was a failure. It failed. It sucked."

But that's not the reason she deactivated all of her social media accounts. Jaclyn says she didn't do it to hide from her problems, she did it because she's actually prepping for a relaunch.

"I have fired so many people and I have hired so many people. In this past month, I have built and entire quality control team, I have brought on several different people for all different things and that’s why I left social media," she told her viewers.

"I know people think that I left social media because I was running away and I was hiding and I get it, I completely understand that’s exactly what it looks like."

She went on to explain that even though her first launch was "sucked," she's in the process of creating new products as we speak.

"I know it’s my destiny, I know that I’m supposed to have a cosmetic brand. That’s why I’ve had this passion, this fire inside me for all these years and my first launch was a fail, but I’ve gotta keep going, I’ve gotta keep trying," Jaclyn said.

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