Jackson Goldstone Previews "Slippery" Snowshoe World Cup Track

We are one day away from the World Cup Downhill finals at Snowshoe, West Virginia. So how is the course holding up?

Watch as Jackson Godstone previews the course below.

As Jackson mentions, Snowshoe is one of the flatter tracks on the World Cup circuit. For this reason, carrying speed is important, and any bobble can mean falling out of contention.

Jackson points out the multiple crux sections that racers must nail if they want to keep their momentum. The most important is a nearly flat rock garden near the bottom of the course. Riders need to carry speed onto the flat section, so lacing the rock garden is very important.

Another detail Goldstone mentions is the condition of the course. Though it is sunny in the video, a lot of rain has fallen and Goldstone says the track is as slick as it gets.

Hopefully, It can dry up a bit more for finals. As it stands right now, expect some carnage in the race, as Jack Moir documented in the Junior field's practice.

This race will be a spicy one. Tune in on Saturday, September 30, 2023, to watch the finals.

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