'Jackass' Star Steve-O Detained by Police After Tower Bridge Stunt

Jackass star Steve-O found himself in the back of a police car during his latest trip to London after he pulled off a huge stunt at one of the city’s most famous landmarks.

In a bid to promote his touring show, The Bucket List, Steve-O decided to garner attention the best way he knows how: by taking risks.

Posting on Instagram to update fans on his latest antics, the Jackass star shared a series of photos jumping on top of one of London’s iconic double decker buses while waving the UK’s national flag.

"I asked for a professional photographer in London to shoot me illegally climbing onto the roof of a big, red double decker bus, and @mikechudley absolutely killed it," he captioned the images. "The bus driver was really cool about the surprise, too - I promised him we would obscure anything identifiable about him or his individual bus!"

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However, scaling the top of a double decker bus wasn’t the only dizzying height Steve-O reached as he also pulled off a nerve-wracking stunt at Tower Bridge. Naturally, it led to him getting in trouble with the law.

"What a day I had yesterday," he wrote, adding: "I ended up in a cop car!"

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Footage shared by TMZ shows a crowd of people watching on as the stuntman jumped from the famous bridge into the River Thames.

"We just opened up tickets for the late show on July 14 at the Hackney Empire," he said after emerging from the water. "It’s the taping of my Bucket List special. Be there."

Steve-O’s set to perform at several venues across the UK in July as he visits York, Birmingham, Guildford, Southend, and London on tour.

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