J.Law Wants to Move to a Farm and Milk Goats

Photo credit: NBC Universal
Photo credit: NBC Universal

From Cosmopolitan

Jennifer Lawrence, the Preeminent Kim Kardashian Historian of Our Time, is even more relatable than previously thought. In addition to watching large amounts of reality TV and talking about farting a lot, there's another way J.Law is just like you and me: She wants to run away and live on a farm with a bunch of goats. It's the dream!

In a new Elle interview, Jen talks about how she wants to take to the land and become a milkmaid. “I want to get a farm,” she said. “I want to be, like, milking goats.”

Yes, J.Law! Me too! If you open a commune for stinky women who love garbage, and I'll move in ASAP.

And speaking of Kim Kardashian - which I'm always doing and is yet another thing J.Law and I have in common - the reality TV empress was recently asked by an Extra host if Jennifer Lawrence could play her in a biopic of her life, and Kim responded, "Of course she could. She's the best actress."

OMG yes. Here's the plan: Jen moves to a farm, milks a bunch of goats, returns to Hollywood, plays the original GOAT reality TV star. Done and done!

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