J.K. Rowling Photobombed These Muggles' Wedding Pics in the Most Magical Way (and We're So Jealous)

There's nothing more ~magical~ than a wedding, except when J.K. Rowling herself shows up to be in your wedding pics. The Harry Potter author did just that recently to the surprise of the just-married muggles on the day of their wedding. According to HuffPostphotographer Matt Fothergill was shooting the ceremony of Nick and John at Edinburgh's Prestonfield House when he noticed Rowling attending another event at the same venue. The rest is muggle history.

Although the creator of the Wizarding World didn't stay for any cauldron cake, she did give the newlyweds a big hug. 

The Scottish wedding, which took place on August 26, was attended by celebrant Caroline Pearson via the Humanist Society of Scotland. (Kilts FTW!)

Title proposal for Rowling's next book: Harry Potter and the Magical Muggle Marriage. (And, yes, we're jealous, too.)

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