Ivanka Trump Reportedly Mad at Kellyanne Conway

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Photo credit: Getty

From Cosmopolitan

The Nordstrom/Trump drama continues, and now it's getting ~juicy~. According to Politico, Ivanka Trump and counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway aren't seeing eye-to-eye on that pesky "free commercial" Kellyanne gifted the first daughter with Feb. 9.

Sources close to the Donald Trump team tell Politico that Ivanka Trump felt crossed and personally "scolded" Kellyanne for "dragging her brand into an ethics mess." She reportedly also begged Conway not to mention it again on TV.

Apparently, this was not the first time Trump has brought up this problem. According to Politico, "this was a continuation of a conversation that Ivanka Trump had with her father weeks earlier about leaving her business out of the politics, a conversation that Conway wasn't aware of."

Seemingly, Donald Trump wasn't aware of it either, as the "weeks earlier" conversation didn't stop him from posting about the brand from both his personal and official POTUS Twitter accounts on multiple occasions.

Maybe the message will stick this time, although Ivanka Trump probably shouldn't hold her breath.

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