Ivanka Trump Got Some Great Photo Ops at the G20 Summit

The president's daughter is having an eventful summer vacation.

This weekend, Donald Trump and other world leaders all convened in Japan for this year's G20 summit, and, once again, his daughter Ivanka joined him. In her role as White House adviser, Ivanka has an often nebulous role. For instance, At the summit itself, Ivanka sat next to her father and other world leaders before giving a speech calling on the assembled politicians to "do more" for women. But she also appears to be acting as the president's de facto press secretary. Late Thursday, the White House released a video of her explaining her father's G20 schedule to the public.

On Saturday, a video went viral showing French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Theresa May, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and International Monetary Fund director Christine Lagarde in conversation as Ivanka attempts to insert herself into it in an exchange that Vanity Fair calls "cringe-inducing."

The video was released by Macron's office on Instagram, with many critics online pointing to Lagarde's seemingly displeased expression. New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, "It may be shocking to some, but being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification." Journalist Mehdi Hasan called it "painful to watch."

This isn't the first time Ivanka has taken the spotlight at a G20 summit. In 2017, appearing on stage alongside Lagarde and Merkel, Ivanka praised her father's support for women, which, according to the BBC, was met with audible groans from the audience.

After the G20, Ivanka accompanied her father to the demilitatized zone between North and South Korea.

Originally Appeared on GQ