Isaias Hernandez started his organization "Queer Brown Vegan" with a mission to provide young people with free educational resources on climate change

As a student at UC Berkeley, Isaias Hernandez realised that education around climate change is highly inaccessible and so Isaias started Queer Brown Vegan to change that.

Video Transcript

ISAIAS HERNANDEZ: The climate crisis is going to affect our daily activities. And something that we need to recognize is that, if we truly want to have a sustainable future, we need to extend ourselves to community care. My name is Isaias Hernandez. I'm an environmental educator and the content creator of Queer Brown Vegan. And my mission is to provide free educational resources for people because, as someone who struggled a lot in academia and not having access to this information, I never want anyone to feel the same way I did.


Did you know there are edible invasive plants in your area? Let's talk about garlic mustard.

I wanted to create an online account that distilled all of these topics through an educational graphic lens. And through that, Queer Brown Vegan became an educational platform people can use specifically when it comes to addressing environmental injustice in their community. People burn out in this movement because of the lack of resources.

A lot of people get really easily swayed with climate doom or thinking that the end of the world is coming soon. But I truly disagree with that. I think that there is so much hope and wisdom that we have yet to learn. Get out there. Create that change. Whether it's a local and small thing or a large-scale institutional change, I think that's my hope.