Irish woman feeds her taxi driver's crow 'friend' out of car window in viral video

After a day from "literal hell," one woman in Ireland had a good laugh when she found herself feeding her taxi driver's crow on the way home from work.

Abbie Cashman tells that earlier in the day, her car had a flat tire. As she was trying to get home, no passing taxi drivers would take her and the bus was full. In a final effort, she called a taxi car through a ride-share app on her phone and was met with a wild surprise.

"It's like it's meant to be," Cashman says. "Like that was such a bad day and so, so many things went wrong to end up in that taxi."

At first, the 20-year-old says she noticed a crow sitting atop the cab driver's outside mirror, but the bird briefly flew away as the vehicle started moving.

"As we were driving, (the driver) was like 'Oh, my friend's back there,' and I look out the window and this crow is flying beside me," Cashman says, with a laugh.

After asking if the crow was his pet, the driver clarified that it's not his personal crow but that the bird follows him and he feeds the animal treats, she says.

In the video, Cashman is seen reaching her hand out the window to feed the crow a snack, which she tells was a digestive biscuit.

"The taxi driver, he's so nice. He always has sweets and jellies for everyone in the car that he brings in. So then when the crow came, he was like, 'You know, I only have a biscuit for him,'" she says.

The drive from Cork Airport, where Cashman works as a barista while in school, was around 10 minutes, two of which were spent with the crow. But even the brief time with the newfound bird friend and taxi driver made her day "10 times better," she says.

"I had a really bad day, and it was like everything just kind of matched up for me to get into this taxi and have this experience and then for everyone else in the world to see it, as well," she says.

She posted the video to TikTok April 27, and the clip has since amassed over 3.7 million views and nearly 700,000 likes.

"From having the day from literal hell to the SWEETEST taxi driver making my day with this wild crow who follows him," she wrote. "Literally couldnt not post it, thank you Rory."

Cashman tells that she loves how such a sweet story could go viral these days, adding that she hasn't received any "negative comments" either.

In fact, people in the comment section of the video seem to love her moment with the crow and the cab driver.

"This is a story NOBODY would have believed if it wasn’t for this video," one person wrote. "Pure class. Your laugh is pure joy."

"Oh to be a taxi driver with a pet crow..." another commented.

One person wrote, "immediate 5 stars," referring to his ride-share rating.

Another commented, "This is simultaneously the most chaotic and the best thing I’ve ever seen."

This article was originally published on