Interview: Dakotah Norton Talks About The New Mondraker DH Team

Team shuffling season this year was one of the most hectic we've seen in quite a while. Almost no one is going to be repping the same badge that they were in the 2023 season. Amidst this shakeup, one of the most notable moves was Mondraker parting ways with the MS team and recruiting a squad of their own. 

At the helm of that squad is the American speed demon Dakotah Norton. We got ahold of Dak to talk all things Mondraker and see how he became the head honcho of this new team.

Norton had a very successful season in '23 landing himself on the World Cup podium twice and clocking several other top ten finishes including 10th place in the World Champs. He'll be carrying that momentum to his new team as the senior rider and we chatted with Dak to see how this whole thing came together.

How did this new Mondraker team come together, what about it sold you on the team?

The Mondraker program was something that was rumored early in the year of 2023. I knew they were looking for a top guy to support the race efforts and putting a factory race effort together in a time where most people were pulling back. Going into the 2023 season I had hopes to be back on the podium where I left off and reach some goals that I have had the speed but failed to achieve the goals possible in years past. When I was in a position to fill the gap necessary for Mondraker they showed strong business position in tough times, proactive approaches, and attention to detail that made me want to get involved.

Did you have a hand in building the team or did this come together organically?

For the most part I didn’t have much of a hand in building the program. Mondraker has been building strong relationships with the best brands in the industry for years. We’re just seeing the rewards for those relationships coming out in the race program. I think we still have a lot to prove, just because you write the check, no matter brand doesn’t mean you can win. You can have the best bike, the best parts, and be the fastest guy and that doesn’t guarantee you will win. The good thing is we have a strong base to start from, from years of hard work from the brand to help propel us on the race circuit. 

What's it like being the senior rider and what appears to be the leader of sorts for the new team?

I would say there is not doubt that I have the most experience on the team, and coming into the new year with two hungry younger riders on the program it’s going to be great. I will have some lessons to pass down to the younger boys, and will be able to use their speed and enthusiasm to help propel myself into the new season. I’ve always rode alone in training, and at the races so I hope Im also in a position to ride with these boys before the season starts and come into the season firing. 

What are your goals for yourself and the team for 2024?

Personally I just really want to win. I'm optimistic, but realistic when it comes to results. I realize the work that's necessary to be at the top of the sports because I’ve crawled my way up there from the absolute bottom of the results list in 2015, and put myself at the front no matter the circumstance over the years of bike and team changes. Loudenvielle fired me up because it truly made me believe on the right day, I can win. That’s something I’ve never believed before and it does take me almost doing something to realize that it really can be achieved. I think that shift in mindset is really important. Im in a position of Maturity now to achieve it I do believe.

What's been the best part about working with a new program? 

I think me and the team manager Jorge are in the same position. He's been given a big role to run the MFR program, and is looking to prove that he’s the right man for the job. He has also given me the role to be one of the guys to try and win for him, and achieve the goals of the brand and what they are trying to prove going in house. I really feel we have a mutual respect for each other and are rowing in the same direction. I like that.

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