The internet still can't get over this Studio Ghibli DVD optical illusion

 Studio Ghibli DVD
Studio Ghibli DVD

Studio Ghibli is famous for its painstaking attention to detail, and an ingeniously playful design Blu-ray case design for My Neighbour Toroto is still doing the rounds online. Every now and again this fan-made concept rises to the top of Design Reddit, and it's enjoying plenty of love right now.

The concept (below), makes full use of the reflective disk, creating an optical illusion in which characters appear to be peering into a lake – and seeing themselves reflected back. And like all the best optical illusions, it's guaranteed to raise a smile.

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Indeed, the concept is so impressive that the design is often attributed to Studio Ghibli itself, although there's no evidence to suggest this is an official release. Still, fan-made Ghibli concepts are always a delight, like these famous logos reimagined as Studio Ghibli characters.

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