Interactive Water Database Shows Tap Water In America Is Highly Contaminated

Interactive Water Database Shows Tap Water In America Is Highly Contaminated

A new initiative by the ecological watchdog known as the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is giving Americans the power to really know what’s in their tap water. The group deployed an interactive guide on their website where users can input their zip code and immediately see which contaminants are present in the water systems that serve their communities. And the state of tap water across the country reflects recent trends of seeing dire situations in communities like Flint, Michigan.

Yes, a healthy practice is staying plenty hydrated and making sure that you drink eight or more glasses of water per day – but EWG found contaminants in nearly every water system in the country after compiling water records and testing samples from every state.

The report shows that nearly 80 percent of all water providers in the U.S. are doling out water that is contaminated with cancer-causing pollutants. Nitrate, a toxic chemical used in fertilizing, is past safe levels of consumption for more than 7 million Americans who drink their tap water.

Other common toxins that might be present in your own water: chloroform, arsenic, bromate, and the chlorine-spinoff known as bromodichloromethane.

An interactive listing of pollution incidents caused by industrial farming. Map: EWG.
An interactive listing of pollution incidents caused by industrial farming. Map: EWG.

What can you do, in particular, to negate the kickback of the contaminants in your own home? EWG has an extensive purchase guide for all kinds of budgets. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to ensure you’re avoiding some of the pollutants is to purchase a carbon-filter product and continuously switch out the filter itself according to guidelines.