How to Insulate Your Garage Door With Weather Stripping

Installing weather stripping on a garage door is a relatively simple process that can help improve thermal efficiency by sealing gaps and preventing drafts. Both in the extreme heat of the summer and during poor winter weather, you'll be glad you have it.

There are different types of weather stripping materials, including vinyl and rubber. Whichever product you choose will be installed at the bottom of the garage door to reduce heat transfer between the door and the concrete garage floor. Choose a material that suits your climate and provides a good moisture and air seal.

Benefits of an Insulated Garage Door

  • Energy Efficiency. Insulation regulates the temperature inside the garage space, preventing heat loss and offering energy savings. This can result in lower energy bills.

  • Improved Comfort. The addition of weather stripping and other types of insulation panels helps with energy loss and will keep your garage a more comfortable temperature.

  • Noise reduction. Standard garage door insulation kits create a quieter indoor environment. Insulation materials reduce noise transfer from street traffic, neighbors, or severe weather conditions.

  • Increased Weatherproofing. An effective seal can provide a sense of climate control and offer additional protection by acting as a barrier against moisture.

As with any specialty product, make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions to have the best results.

Materials and Tools:

  • Weather stripping kit (vinyl or rubber)

  • Measuring tape

  • Utility knife or scissors

  • Screwdriver or cordless drill

  • Soap and water (for cleaning)

1. Raise and Clean the Bottom Edge of the Door

Thoroughly clean the surface where you will be attaching the weather stripping with soap and water. If your garage door has existing weather proofing, but it's damaged, you will need to remove the old material first.

Old weather stripping has loosened on the bottom of this garage door.<p>Emily Fazio</p>
Old weather stripping has loosened on the bottom of this garage door.

Emily Fazio

2. Measure the Width

Measure the width of the door where you plan to install the weather stripping.

3. Cut the Weather Stripping

Using the measurements you took, cut the weather stripping to the appropriate length. Use a utility knife or scissors to make clean cuts.

4. Attach the Weather Stripping

Peel off the backing from the adhesive side of the weather stripping and press it firmly into place along the bottom edge of the door. Trim any excess weather stripping at the bottom using the utility knife.

5. Secure with Screws

Some weather stripping kits come with holes for screws to provide additional stability. If your kit includes this feature, you can use a screwdriver to secure the weather stripping in place.

6. Test the Seal

Close the garage door and check for any gaps or areas where the weather stripping may not be making proper contact. Adjust as needed.

Weather stripping on the bottom of a garage door.<p>Emily Fazio</p>
Weather stripping on the bottom of a garage door.

Emily Fazio

Other Options for Weatherproofing a Garage Door