Your Instant Pot Is One Of The Best Ways To Cook Rice

Fluffy rice in a wooden bowl
Fluffy rice in a wooden bowl - poomsak suwannasilp/Shutterstock

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Adding rice to your meal introduces a fluffy and warm component that complements a variety of dishes. You can add seasoned rice to spice up your meal, or go with white or brown to simmer down an abundance of intense flavors. It's a necessary ingredient in sushi rolls and a hearty addition to soups and stews. While being simple to make, it can take practice to get just right. And the methods for making it range far and wide, so there are plenty of ways to experiment. One of the most common ways to make rice is in a pot on the stove. However, if you have one, using a rice cooker is preferred. This time-consuming yet simple process works wonders. You can also cook it the same way you would if making pasta, or even put it in the microwave for a quick meal.

However, one of the best ways to cook rice is using an instant pot. Also known as a pressure cooker, the instant pot is a valuable kitchen appliance that you should be using. While it's great for meals like chicken soup and chili, it's also a useful tool for making rice. The instant pot can be used to make any type of rice, and it'll do just as good a job as the designated rice cooker you may have been tempted by but didn't purchase. So, whip out the instant pot, grab some rice, and let's get started.

Read more: 5 Rice Brands To Buy, And 5 To Avoid

Using Your Instant Pot To Make Rice

An instant pot on a kitchen counter
An instant pot on a kitchen counter - Mihaildechev/Getty Images

When you use your instant pot, you'll want to make sure you add the right amount of water. For any type of rice you use, you'll want to add 1 cup of rice and 1 cup of water. If you prefer having tender, soft rice in your meal, add a little more than the recommended amount. However, for those with a taste for al dente, scale it back just a little with the water. Now, when it comes to operating this trusty kitchen appliance, it's simple. Just make sure your heating time is appropriate for whatever type of rice you're making. In other words, white rice usually takes the least amount of time.

Whether it be basmati or jasmine, it may not take longer than five minutes. Long-grain brown rice can take a little longer, possibly up to 10 minutes. Wild rice will have you pacing around before it's done, taking a whopping 15 minutes. However, these are averages so be sure to cook them according to your desired meal's directions. Now, once your instant pot alerts with a sound claiming it's done, you'll need to release the pressure from inside -- this may take about 15 minutes. As tempting as it can be, wait it out so your rice comes out as delicious as possible. You'll be happy you waited when you see the difference in its texture and taste its incredible flavor.

Tips Of Preparing Your Rice For The Instant Pot

Rinsing rice in strainer under a faucet
Rinsing rice in strainer under a faucet - Jojo Photos/Shutterstock

One of the most important things to do before making rice is to wash it. Rinsing is an essential part of making sure your rice is made perfectly. When you rinse your rice, you eliminate debris such as dirt. You also taper down the starch, which is the component that usually makes your rice develop a sticky texture. This is when your rice clumps together and starts to lose its form. So, rinse thoroughly in a fine mesh strainer and make sure the water isn't cloudy. Another important thing to keep in mind is to add some salt or oil into the water. Salt will help add some flavor and help keep the rice from sticking together by removing more starch. You'll also find that oil will have a similar effect when adding a little into the water before heating.

Another important step to take is making sure your rice is nice and fluffy. This step comes after you finish letting your rice steam. Take a big spoon or fork and gently mix the rice around a little bit. You'll notice its texture starts to change the more you stir. Another thing is to maintain that instant pot. Always move the steam release valve over to seal the pot and keep that steam locked in. This will prevent any rice from not fully cooking or sticking together.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.