Your Instagram Addiction Isn't THAT Bad For You—As Long As You're Doing These Things

Photo credit: Christy Lundy
Photo credit: Christy Lundy

From Women's Health

Having a robust digital network can rev your health. Strengthen your online ties with these three tips from Mary Chayko, PhD, author of Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media and Techno-Social Life.

Join an E-Group

Being part of a crew that “meets” regularly-say, a Reddit thread about your latest workout obsession-allows you to engage with like-minded people, exchange info, and develop a support network. Only lurking? You’ll still feel a sense of community.

Photo credit: .
Photo credit: .

Break the Ice Online

Rekindle with a friend on Facebook, then plan an IRL meet-up. The sensory stimuli we receive in person (à la seeing someone’s body language or getting a hug) is an important part of social bonding.

Check out these celebs you had no idea were BFFs:

Follow More #Hashtags

Choosing ones that are in line with your passions will bring people who share your affinities to your feed. DM ’em.

This is part of our National Women's Health Week plan to step up your health. Get more healthy inspo:

This article originally appeared in the May 2019 issue of Women's Health. For more intel on how to lead a happier, healthier life, pick up an issue on newsstands now.

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