Instacart Survey Finds Americans Really, Really Dislike Canned Cranberry Sauce

Give us your roasted veggies, your mashed potatoes, your biscuits. Do not, however, give us canned cranberry sauce.

At least according to grocery delivery service company Instacart's Thanksgiving Report. According to their so-called "Turkey Day Exposé," Americans are not fans of this holiday staple. For their research, analysts looked at survey responses of more than 2,000 Americans along with Instacart grocery purchase trends. Perhaps surprisingly, 68% of Americans secretly dislike a classic Thanksgiving food but nevertheless continue to eat it because of tradition. And nearly 30% of that group called out canned cranberry sauce as the chief offender. Not shy from villainizing the condiment, 46% of survey respondents said canned cranberry sauce is "disgusting."

Of course, not everyone hates canned cranberry sauce. One of our favorite TV show hosts, Hoda Kotb, simply doesn't get the disdain. "The kind I like … in the can. The roll that’s just like jelly and you cut it. Don’t give me spooned out. Cranberry sauce should be served (sliced),” she once quipped on a TODAY show episode with Kathie Lee Gifford.

Despite our apparent dislike of cranberry sauce, 31% of Instacart survey respondents serve their canned cranberry sauce in the shape of the tin can on the Thanksgiving table, rather than taking the time to mash it up. We may say we hate it, but we sure like its convenience.

What camp are you in when it comes to canned cranberry sauce? Pro, con, or somewhere in between until it's two hours before your guests arrive and you realize you don't have time to make your Godmother Barbara's famous citrus-laced cranberry sauce? Let our march to the pantry commence.