Instacart Professional Shopper Shares Her Tips to Get Out of the Grocery Store Faster

Sure, the endlessly long lines at the grocery store may have subsided now that the winter holidays are over, but that doesn't mean you're exactly waltzing out of the supermarket at lightning speed (last time we checked, Publix and Trader Joe's obsessions are year-round endeavors). And lest we forget, the mania of Super Bowl Sunday is but a few weeks away. We've got you covered, dear readers. Below, Natalia B., a shopper from Oakland, CA, for grocery delivery service Instacart, shares her indispensable tips for knocking off your grocery shopping as quickly as possible.

Supermarket Grocery Cart and Aisle
Supermarket Grocery Cart and Aisle

Getty Images / Bertlmann

1. Use a cart and handbasket.

While you'll still want to use a cart for larger shopping trips, you'll also want to use a handbasket to be extra nimble: "If you venture to the store, grab a cart AND a handbasket, and store the handbasket under the cart. This allows you to park your cart outside of crowded aisles and use the basket to get what you need quickly," says Natalia.

2. Zero in on endcaps.

"Many grocery stores move popular items to endcaps (grocery store-speak for the displays at the end of aisles). With NFL playoffs in full swing, you can find soups, chilis, chips, and other snacks prominently displayed," advises Natalia. "Be sure to check them for the best selection and deals." If you can, head to the checkout area as soon as you enter the store so you can do a quick scan of what the endcaps have and plot your course from there.

3. Shop frozen last.

"With crowded stores, a long list and traffic, grocery shopping can be a time-consuming errand," offers Natalia. "Instacart shoppers recommend selecting your frozen items last so they don’t start thawing before you leave the store." P.S. Here are 7 Healthy Foods You Should Always Have in Your Freezer.

4. Strategically weigh items.

"If you're weighing your produce, grab three different items at a time from around the same section and weigh them one right after another before putting them into your cart and grabbing the next group," says Natalia. This tip can help shave a few minutes off your grocery shopping time.

Are you a super star supermarket shopper? We'd love to hear your tips and tricks for navigating the aisles efficiently.