Injured Fledgling Bald Eagle Saved in Patriotic Rescue on Fourth of July

Countless patriotic things happen on the Fourth of July, but this one was completely unplanned. Animal Rescuers in Colorado responded to a call about an injured bald eagle on the anniversary of the nation's independence, and things couldn't have gone more smoothly. Of course, everyone is loving the timing of this successful bird rescue!

Colorado Parks and Wildlife reacted quickly when locals brought the fledgling eagle to their attention. The bird had apparently been acting strange for days, but now it is getting the help and care it needs.

What a cool thing to do on July 4th! These wildlife rescuers seem just as excited to meet a bald eagle as we would expect them to be, but let's be honest--who wouldn't be interested in a raptor encounter like this? We'd be first in line to watch!

The young eagle had been seen around Douglas County for several days, and it was supposedly acting strange. Fortunately, Colorado Parks and Wildlife was able to safely capture the bird of prey and bring him to, well-- Birds of Prey. That's the name of the animal rescue where he'll heal up. The Colorado nonprofit rehabilitates injured and orphaned raptors, so we know this little bird is in the best hands.

According to the National Audobon Society, Colorado is home to both bald eagles and golden eagles. These birds were once hunted nearly to extinction, but the country's national symbol is beginning to thrive once again. It's all thanks to wildlife rescuers and bird rescuers like the ones who helped out this rescue eagle!

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