Influencer confronts men laughing at her photoshoot: 'My heart is pounding for her'

An influencer on TikTok is going viral for her photoshoot, but not for a reason you might think

TikTok user Samantha (@samanthalongton is getting tons of praise for standing up to two men who were mocking her during the shoot.

Samantha shared the story in a series of videos on her account, which show her posing in a blue bikini by a pool during vacation. In one of the videos, she explains she was “trying to get a cute pic at the pool” when she heard “two men audibly making fun of me.”

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Samantha managed to record the whole moment, during which the men can be heard laughing off-camera as Samantha stood alone in the pool.

“Did you guys want one together?” Samantha asks in the video, smiling.

“Say it again?” one man replies. “One of what?”

“A picture!” Samantha says in what can only be described as a customer service voice. “I can take one for you, do you have your phone?”

The men decline the photo opportunity and Samantha seemed to come out on top of the exchange.

“I’m not a confrontational gal but sometimes men just…” Samantha captioned the video.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, with TikTokers praising Samantha for being brave enough to say something.

“I can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins,” one person commented.

“It’s not even me and my heart is pounding for her!!” another added.

“We love a confident confrontational QUEEN!” a third cheered.

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