Influencer Brittany Dawn Nelson is fostering a baby, and the internet is mad

Christian influencer Brittany Dawn Nelson is under fire again. But this time, a foster child is involved.

When Nelson and her husband announced they were fostering a baby, their specious past prompted online criticism. The Texas-based influencer was sued by the state earlier this year.

In the suit, Nelson and her fitness business are accused of falsely claiming to have expertise regarding eating disorders and not fulfilling customer orders.

Meanwhile, her husband, Jordan Nelson, a former police officer, was sued by the ACLU in 2013 for using excessive force against an unarmed Black man.

Who is Brittany Dawn Nelson? 

Brittany Dawn Nelson is a social media personality married to Jordan Nelson. In 2019, she rose to popularity as a fitness instructor.

Since then, she has shifted her content from fitness to conservative Christian fundamentalist views. BuzzFeed News reported in February that her followers accused her of pivoting her brand to religion to avoid scrutiny over her fitness business.

This has prompted entire online communities to form around her, driven by the goal of exposing the alleged hypocrisy of her and other Christians.

What is the Brittany Dawn Nelson foster child controversy? 

As outlined by TikToker @alyssastephanie, Nelson and her husband are now in the hot seat over a foster care scandal.

Nelson has claimed to have fertility issues in the past. In October, she began to express interest in fostering a baby. This led to monetized Instagram posts with baby supplies before she had a foster child.

On Nov. 30, the couple claimed to be legal foster parents in Texas. Then, on Dec. 12, they said they received a baby. This is what sparked more suspicion.

Many feel that the foster care system doesn’t work that quickly, so they wonder if Nelson acquired the baby through more sinister means. Moreover, the couple revealed that the infant suffered from substance withdrawals and posted a photo with the infant’s face blurred out, which could violate the rules.

What is a “Fundie”? What is “Fundie Snark” on Reddit? What is “Brittany Dawn Snark” on Reddit?

A “fundie” is a derogatory term for a religious fundamentalist or someone whose relationship to religion is characterized by strict literal interpretations of scriptures and ideologies.

In the U.S., fundamentalists are typically affiliated with various sects of Christian Evangelicalism and Protestantism. In colloquial slang, according to Urban Dictionary, a fundie is essentially a “Jesus Freak.”

Those who criticize fundies tend to participate in online communities on Reddit like “Fundie Snark” and “Brittany Dawn Snark.” The former forum is committed to venting about and mocking fundies, while the latter is specifically about criticizing Brittany Dawn Nelson.

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