The Indy Pass Adds 50+ Partner Resorts For Winter '23-'24

Today, October 10th, the Indy Pass -- a mega pass featuring ski days at independently owned and operated resorts worldwide -- announced the inclusion of 50+ new partner resorts. The associated press release also noted that Indy Passes are once again on sale. To participate, you'll need to join the waitlist.

Indy Passes provide two ski days at each of the 180+ partnering resorts. At allied resorts, Indy Pass holders received ticket discounts but no free ski days. The cost of a standard Indy Pass is $399.

A skier finds the goods at Big White, an Indy Pass resort.<p>Big White/Indy Pass</p>
A skier finds the goods at Big White, an Indy Pass resort.

Big White/Indy Pass

Wondering if a resort in your neck of the woods was added to the Indy Pass? You've come to the right place. Here are the newcomers:

New Indy Pass Alpine Resorts

West - 6

Baldy Mountain Resort, BC

Big White Resort, BC

Cooper Spur Ski Area, OR

Loup Loup Ski Bowl, WA

Phoenix Mountain, BC

Shames Mountain, BC

Rockies - 4

Fairmont Hot Springs, BC

Howelsen Hill, CO

Montana Snowbowl, MT

Pass Powderkeg, AB

Midwest - 6

Andes Tower Hills, MN

Bottineau Winter Park, ND

Great Bear Ski Valley, SD

Huff Hills Ski Area, ND

Mount Baldy Ski Area, ON

Snowstar, IL

East - 3

Dartmouth Skiway, NH

Maple Ski Ridge, NY

Whaleback Mountain, NH

Mid-Atlantic - 1

Ski Big Bear, PA

Europe - 1

SkiWelt, Austria (consists of 9 resort villages united by one lift ticket)

Brixen im Thale









Japan - 7

Ani Ski Resort, Tohoku

Kamui Ski Links, Hokkaido

Kiroro Snow World, Hokkaido

Madarao Ski Resort, Nagano

Pippu Ski Resort, Hokkaido

Togakushi Ski Resort, Nagano

Yubari Ski Resort, Hokkaido

New Allied Resorts - 2

Mont Ripley Ski Area, MI

Skaneateles Ski Club, NY

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