The Incredible Meaning Behind Angel Number 13 Could Explain Taylor Swift's Connection to It

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By now you may have noticed numerous times seeing the same number over and over again and might have thought to yourself, what's that about? Typically, it's the number 1111 or 888 that might strike a chord. But, plenty of numbers hold special messages for you and you may not even realize it. These are your angel numbers.

According to Linda Berry, “angel whisperer,” spiritual coach and owner of the Spiritual Discovery Center in Southern California, "The repeating number sequence will show up and catch our attention for at least three separate occasions." These digits are like a beacon from our celestial team of angels getting our attention to remind us or confirm something in our lives, Berry adds.

As you move about your day, you'll know your angels are sending you a message because you will see that number everywhere you go. They're not meant to be ignored, so they will be apparent. "It might be on a clock, a license plate, a phone number, a receipt, or even on technical devises," says Berry. "

How do angel numbers work?

If you're new to the concept of angel numbers, the most important thing to know is that they work by aligning with vibrational energies in the universe. "When we continuously see a particular number or number sequence, angels are trying to communicate with us through energetic frequencies."

Berry attests that recognizing these numbers when they appear and reflecting on their significance can offer us guidance in various life situations we're dealing with.

"It's not a mere coincidence," says Berry. "It's a sign from the angels and carries a unique message and vibration in the realm of numerology."

Berry points out that the number 13 has often been misunderstood due to cultural superstitions associated with it. Due to its portrayal in movies (Friday the 13th), historical events (like the 13 people who attended the Last Supper according to Christian teachings when one of the apostles betrayed Jesus), and even in numerology (because the number 12 is considered a "complete" or "perfect" number, so 13 coming after has negative connotations), 13 has gotten a bad rap. Many buildings in the United States even skip the number 13 entirely in elevators. Have you ever noticed that? Various number 13 superstitions have deemed it unlucky over time.

house number 13
Kinga Krzeminska - Getty Images

But on the contrary, 13 is far from ominous. In this story, our experts provide insight into the number 13 and how it actually can enrich your life if you harness it.

What does the angel number 13 or 1313 mean?

According to Mystic Michaela, author of The Angel Numbers Book, podcast host of Know Your Aura with Mystic Michaela!, the number 13 can be a prosperous sign. "Despite it having a bit of a bad reputation, angel number 13 is about hope," she adds. "Seeing it asks you to nurture yourself today."

If you're experiencing a challenge, the number 13 can be correlated to that. "Your angels are aware of this difficult time you are currently going through and they want you to put energy into taking care of yourself," says Mystic Michaela.

Berry points out that a combination of the numbers 1 and 3 reduces down to the primary number of 4 in numerology terms. "Angel number 1 is associated with new beginnings, ambition, and self-leadership, while the number 3 signifies communication, creativity and expression, and optimistic growth," she explains. "Together, these two numbers encourages independence and self-reliance, personal development and leadership, and an optimistic outlook on life’s challenges."

The good news is, if this angel number appears for you during a time of misfortune — whether it's in your personal or professional life — you can feel confident that you will be able to bounce back stronger than ever, says Berry.

The energy of angel number 4 is extremely intuitive and honest. It carries with it a ”what you see is what you get” vibe to life, and you can be confident that this angel number does not waste time on frivolous and superficial people. "It values honesty and loyalty above anything else," Berry adds.

What does 13 mean spiritually?

When it comes to your spiritual development, the number 13 can be a signal to combine your daily life habits with that of your soul plan. Ask yourself, what do you do on a daily basis that nurtures you overall? "The habits you take on may need a closer look," Mystic Michaela points out. "Perhaps it comes down to making sure you aren’t so hard on yourself, or that you are spending time doing things which make you feel happy inside."

Angel number 13 can act has a vehicle to deliver you some hope about where your spiritual awakening may be leading you.

What does 13 mean for love, relationships, and your twin flame?

Mystic Michaela believes if you're single, that angel number 13 means you're being asked to have hope for a mutual partnership filled with unconditional love in the future. "[Your angels] want you to show some love to yourself today in ways you feel most fulfilled," she suggests.

Try the following:

  • Take yourself on a date.

  • Write a letter to yourself saying all the things you need to hear.

  • Give yourself the love you want to find in the universe.

On the other hand, if you’re in a relationship, she thinks that it's time to take a bit of a relationship inventory. Assess your current relationship to see if it's truly the right path for you. Ask yourself:

  • What is struggling in your relationship?

  • Can you see your own part in it?

  • Can being more aware help with strengthening it?

But don't worry. It doesn't mean your love life has to be over if you don't want it to be. "Nurturing the relationship in little ways can help you bring it back to its full strength," says Mystic Michaela. "Seeing this number reminds you to go back to basics and nurture the foundations of your relationship today."

number 13 street address handpainted on a glazed tile on a eroded terracotta tile wall
Simon McGill - Getty Images

How can the number 13 help you in your finances or career?

Similar to how the number 13 can be analyzed alongside your relationship or lack thereof, these angel digits can also signal hope for the future in your work pursuits. "Your career is a context in which you can best express your life purpose," Mystic Michaela reminds. "Reflecting upon your job in an honest way, as well as the direction of your career and life path is the intended message when you see this number."

Mystic Michaela recommends you make a list about what your current job situation does for you vs. what it lacks. Doing so can give you clarity. "Your job needs to be a place in which you thrive too, and making changes in order to make sure you have the support you need in order to be the best person you can be in this world, is essential," Mysitc Michaela says.

Berry adds that if you see angel number 13 on a continuous basis, it may signify a need to explore available social circles to assist in your business and your career success.

"If [you] recently started a business or got a new job, concentrating on relationships that are built on teamwork is being indicated at this time," Berry adds. "To succeed in any field, networking and interpersonal skills are a must and it’s 'not what you know, but who you know.' It’s time to engage with social circle of friends, colleges and co-workers."

The help of others can build confidence in you and help you achieve things in your career. "Number 13 brings the reminder that these people are needed in order to reach desired goals to the fullest," Berry says.

How can you harness 13?

If you see the number 13 out in the wild — and if you notice it over and over — it's time to take note. The main thing to focus on when you do see it is to nurture yourself that day, even if it's in one small way. "Many times you may not know what to do, but starting with a small daily reminder to simply think of yourself is a good place to begin," says Mystic Michaela. "Plant a seed in a pot where you spend a lot of time throughout the day. As you nurture it with your daily attention, waterings and wonderings, know that you are nurturing yourself as well."

How lovely is it to act on a simple kind thought directed towards yourself to honor angel number 13?

And it makes sense for angel number 13. It reminds us that our soul's purpose on earth will be easier to achieve if we stay positive. "This number says there’s nothing too hard in this world to achieve. When it appears, number 13 suggests being more confident in pursuing goals and dreams because there is no time like the present to start on the path towards success and happiness," Berry says.

So stop focusing on your fears, doubts and anxieties, Berry points out, because this is a time to start something brand new filled with great expectations.

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