Incredible Footage of Heimana Reynolds Swimming with Sharks is Peaceful and Terrifying all the Same (Watch)

When he's not skating, you can find Hawaiian native, Olympian, world champion, and all-around ripper, Heimana Reynolds spending time in the ocean.

He recently posted this mesmerizing clip of him swimming with a pod of dolphins under a glowing blue backdrop, and I happily watched in blissful awe.

Then a shark casually cruises into frame...and I was immediately shook.

Admittedly, I'm not a big water guy. Don't get me wrong, I love the ocean, lakes, rivers—whatever—but in no way, shape or form would I ever act this calm and comfortable swimming this close to a shark!

"I am still absolutely spinning for how lucky we got on this morning. We woke up early and caught the big pod of dolphins and then only an hour and a half later got to enjoy the presence of some big ol sea pups," said Heimana on Instagram.

I definitely thought "sea pups" were little sea lions? Apparently not.

"It’s amazing to see that as much messed up stuff going on in this world you can still find calm and beauty in the ocean. No politics, no anger, no disrespect just a deep breath and enjoy the beauty that the ocean has to offer."

Heimana is a real one.

He's currently back home in Hawaii and posted a new 'Day in the Life' video full of skating, hiking, swimming and heavy HI vibes.

He calls it a "day in the life" — I call it a day living the life.

The fact that he linked up with the legend himself, Arto Saari, to snap some photos at some iconic spots is the Hawaiian cherry on top.

What a day. Thanks for letting us be a fly on your flipper, Heimana.

Video / Heimana Reynolds

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