The Importance of Giving More Than You Take: The Story of Andrew Alexander King

In a world where many are absorbed in taking, Andrew Alexander King stands out for his dedication to giving back. Born and raised in the bustling city of Detroit, King's humble beginnings offered him invaluable life lessons. He remembers his mother, Tabitha, working three jobs to keep the family afloat, a prime example of sacrifice that has resonated throughout his life. "This person is giving everything they got to make sure that you get everything that they wish they had," he recollects.

In our latest Everyday Warrior podcast episode, Andrew shared his childhood story with us and the highlights that built his remarkable character as an athlete.

Building Mental Grit & Toughness in His Childhood Years

A childhood brushed by adversity instilled within him an unshakable resilience, "Growing up in Detroit gave us a place of mental grit and toughness to focus on what we wanted to be, what family meant, and how to take life as it came to you and not take it for granted because you had to do that."

Andrew Alexander King<p>Andrew Alexander King</p>
Andrew Alexander King

Andrew Alexander King

This stoic approach, molded by the streets of Detroit, would shape the path King would tread - one marked by awe-inspiring feats and selfless dedication to others.

The Road to the Between Worlds Project

Inspired by his grandparents' adventurous spirit, King developed a passion for the great outdoors, dabbling in big wave surfing and mountaineering. His love for the latter eventually led him to the formidable peaks of the Himalayas. But King's exploits are more than just adrenaline-fueled adventures. They are calculated endeavors, dictated by a profound respect for nature and an insatiable curiosity. "When you play with these big uncertainties within nature, that's not something you want to just leave for chance and want to rush into. You want to be organized and intentional," King elucidates.

The Between Worlds Project<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:The Between Worlds Project;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">The Between Worlds Project</a></p>
The Between Worlds Project

The Between Worlds Project

During his global travels, in pursuit of happiness and meaning, King conceived The Between Worlds Project. A digital media content endeavor, this project unites his love for exploration, climbing, and surfing with a mission to initiate positive change in society.

The Between Worlds Project collaborates with individuals and nonprofits worldwide that are fostering hope and confronting the pressing issues of racism, sexism, climate change, and economic limitations. It combines adventurous travel with a learning journey, spotlighting diverse communities' cultures, struggles, and worldviews.

The Juniper Fund<p>Andrew Alexander King</p>
The Juniper Fund

Andrew Alexander King

The dire consequences of mountaineering for the Sherpas and their families pushed King to involve himself with The Juniper Fund, a beacon of support for families grappling with the tragic aftermath of mountaineering-related fatalities. "The Juniper Fund gives back to those Sherpas that are killed, their families... The Juniper Fund steps in to make sure that that individual family that is depending on the Sherpas for financial reasons are taken care of," explains King.

King's commitment to his cause is unwavering. He shares his struggles of doing Postmates while working for Live Nation to ensure the fulfillment of his promise to a non-profit in Peru and fund his expedition. "It goes back to where that discipline comes into it. You make a promise, you say something, you better show up in your best honest suit and give it 100%," he shares passionately.

The Hash – The Road Between Birth and Death

In the grand narrative of his life, Andrew Alexander King attaches profound importance to the journey—the 'hash' as he articulates. He believes the hash, the dash on a tombstone symbolizing the time between one's birth and death, holds immense significance. It represents the choices made, the opportunities taken, the conversations had, and the doors of possibility unlocked for oneself and others. "It's that hash that has the big things," he underlines.

Andrew Alexander King on top of Pico de Orizaba, the tallest volcanic peak in North America.
Andrew Alexander King on top of Pico de Orizaba, the tallest volcanic peak in North America.

Throughout this span, every endeavor taken, every bond forged, and every commitment made by King adds to this intricate, invaluable weave. He seeks to utilize this time to fuel candid conversations, champion open-mindedness, and instill in others the courage to choose their path. He believes it is in this power to determine that true liberty and fulfillment are found and hopes to inspire this in others through his actions.

One such commitment is his outdoor partnerships, with companies such as Black Diamond, which align with his overarching philosophy. Each of these partnerships is designed with a giving-back clause, requiring a portion of the contract's value to be donated to non-profits. This, yet again, underscores King's steadfast dedication to enriching others' lives, a further testament to the grand tapestry of benevolence and resilience he continues to weave throughout his 'hash'.

Looking Beyond Ourselves

King's journey from the streets of Detroit to the peaks of the Himalayas is an inspiring story of selflessness in a world often focused on self-serving behavior. It demonstrates the transformative power of giving more than taking, motivating us to look beyond ourselves and positively impact our world. Are you ready to make a difference today? How can you give back?

Follow Andrew Alexander King’s Journey here.