I Know I Shouldn't Laugh But These 85 Extremely Dumb Things People Posted On The Internet Last Month Are Killing Me

1.On the USA:

  Getty / Via TikTok
Getty / Via TikTok

2.On birthdays:

"how can you turn 0 years old"

3.On Greeks:


4.On relationships:


5.On the continents:


6.On dairy:

"Milk is considered dairy in at least 6 countries I have lived in."
u/romeovf / Via reddit.com

7.On nails:

"damn how's the colors switch orders between pictures wtf"

8.On the animal kingdom:

Person says "Fun fact: we are animals," and person answers: "fun fact: we actually aren't animals, we are mammals; most animals are mammals too; we may be similar, but no — stop being a brickhead and think before you comment"

9.On the miracle of life:

"Doctor: 'Congrats you're having a boy and a girl'"; comment: "This will never happen, twins can only be the same"; "you can have a boy and a girl"; "different gender twins happen all the time"
u/parrotsaregoated / Via reddit.com

10.On Texas:

"Texas is like twice the size of Europe alone."

11.On outside:

Re: photo, someone asks, "How did you add the clouds background?" Response: "That's the sky, we were outside"

12.On Spain:

someone insists that spain is in south america

13.On Mount Everest:


14.On suspicions:


15.On the upcoming time change:

"Daylight Savings Time is my new worst enema."

16.On ice cream:

person who thinks vanilla flecks in ice cream are bugs

17.On math:

"When I was 2 my sister was twice my age; now I'm 40, how old is my sister" with response: "Twice 2 is 4, so add 4 yrs to her current age; school system failed some"
u/ionenbindung / Via reddit.com

18.On growing up:


19.On loose change:

person thinking the saying is chimp change instead of chump change
u/the-vince-horror / Via reddit.com

20.On exploration:

person who thinks vicariously is spelled bi-curiously
u/KazRellik / Via reddit.com

21.On carpets:

person who tries a lawnmower out on their carpet

22.On babies:

"Babies do have a very strong ammunition system at birth; comes from mom's milk mostly"
Facebook / Getty Images

23.On reflections:

An ad for a mirror captioned "Mear, $10"

24.On the duality of Andre:

"It's a Double Andre"; "Wait, then what does it mean? I think I know but a lot of jokes go over my head," "Double entendre—but I like 'Andre' too"

25.On disposals:

person who thinks a garbage disposal is called a garbanzo disposal
u/sugaredchurro / Via reddit.com

26.On the world:

"dude, Asia and Europe are not continenets"

27.On expiration dates:


28.On cartoons:

person who spells computer generated as jena rated

29.On confidence:

"People who suffer from low shelf and steam, how do you deal with it in your day to day life?"

30.On good jobs:

"What's a really good job with high celery that people should apply for?"

31.On money:


32.On digestion:

person saying gastro astronomer instead of gastronomer

33.On birthdays:

person saying foreskin of the mind instead of forefront

34.On $5,000:

person who can't understand what 5k is in dollar amounts

35.On bread attacks:

person who thinks the saying is grain assault and not a grain of salt
u/shrekassault / Via reddit.com

36.On tough visuals:

person who thinks the saying is eye saw instead of eye sore
u/dannydonut / Via reddit.com

37.On consequences:

person who spelled ejected as ejaculated
u/Altruistic-Tutor7299 / Via reddit.com

38.On drillin':

person who spells heavy duty as heavy judy

39.On shames:

person who thinks disgrace is spelled disc race
u/missy____ / Via reddit.com

40.On acting:

"An actor is an actor."

41.On spring:


42.On twins:

Person says twins don't look alike, and when someone says not all twins are identical, person says isn't that kind of the point, otherwise they're just siblings, not twins

43.On seals:

person mixing up the words carnivore and carnival

44.On Pride:

person who thinks an ireland flag is a pride flag

45.On birth:

"Momcat Nibbles is in labor! Contraptions have begun!"

46.On delicious recipes:

"I have .72 lbs of cube steak and 1.6 lbs of steak tips; I'm trying to combine together and extend for a family of 5 (3 of them can eat all the meat by themselves); I can't seem to find any good recipes"; response: "Beef stroking off over noodles"

47.On days in the park:

"Took one of my clients out for a pick neck watched the children play was a great day"

48.On the things that make us beautiful:

"Finding someone who can handle me and my corks is hard; I'm different and people can't handle it or don't want to take the time"

49.On observers:

"There was whitenesses; even this girl told me she'll be a whiteness if I need"

50.On unholy pregnancies:

"His unbiblical cord was in his face but look at them chunky cheeks! I can't wait to meet you soon sweet boy! Little chunk is weighing 5.8 pounds already! I'm already obsessed with him"

51.On cheese:

"Technically any mold that grows is just bonus bleu cheese."

My stomach hurts just reading this.


52.On diets:

"Poor things look mow-nourished"

53.On those in need:

"You know Jesus made a point to support the people on the fridges of society right?"

54.On foodborne illness:

"Salmonella is only caused by salmon; you're a chef, you should know that"

55.On the wonders of the French language:

person who thinks Je ne sais quoi is spelled genius aqua

56.On mirrors:

"Would of"

57.On triangles:

Someone refers to an "eye saucerless triangle"

58.On pennies:

Boss gave employee his final paycheck in pennies for quitting, and someone says "90,000 pennies=$9K, duh," and someone says "$900; move the decimal point two places, not one," and they say "No, you are wrong"

59.On paint:

"I been telling my customers this for years"

60.On germs:

Person says germs may be black magic because "no one has ever directly observed one"; when person says they've seen bacteria, viruses, and parasites from years in a microbiology lab, person asks if they've seen one without a "microscope"

61.On cheese:

Photo of cheese slicer cutting Swiss cheese, with caption: "Cutting cheese with a knife? Barbarians? We in Scandinavia use this tool"; "That's why your a country not a nation"

62.On talents:

"Talent: jack off all traits (knows how to use all weapons only mastered the sword)"

63.On recipe modification:

"We'd definitely recommend preparing this recipe as written..."

64.On paternity tests:

"They should do paternity testing prior to conception IMO; that way you avoid the reveal at birth; why hide? It may hold people more accountable"

Imagine that.


65.On fish:

"Name a fish that does not have the letter 'A' in it," and person responds "Dolphin"

66.On cells:

"Are you really suggesting that they are not?"

67.On language:

"I'm American and here in the state miss we say whala; voila is an instrument miss know everything and don't know shit"
u/couldaspongedothis / Via reddit.com

68.On the human body:

"If you were revamping the human body and were to give boobs an actual useful function instead of just sex appeal, what would you have them do?" "I don't know, maybe something crazy like feeding our babies?"

69.On flossing:

"Flossing Pushes Bad Bacteria back into the Bloodstream"

70.On mutual attraction:


71.On the Northern Lights:

person who calls the northern lights the areola borealis
u/bmb00zld / Via reddit.com

72.On your eyes:

person who thinks retinas is spelled rectums
u/stephenf1234 / Via reddit.com

73.On drones:


74.On brain issues:

"How does the brain anus rhythm instantly kill you"

75.On dietary restrictions:

"what do you eat?"

76.On the Titanic:


77.On the finer things in life:


78.On Florida:

"That's that Florida education, baby!"

79.On medical advice:

"The sickest ones I know go all the time!"

80.On that one emergency alert we all got:

"To block the government"

81.On beef:

"He said this is how he always does it."

82.On selfishness:

"he's thinking of his own selfish needs and using her as a prawn on a chest board xx"

83.On true beauty:


84.On dangerous plants:

Hmmm, I think you are both wrong.

Hmmm, I think you are both wrong.


85.And on DNA:


Hmmm. Maybe they have a point.


Did you enjoy all those wacky pictures but really wish you could've been listening to some cool tunes while reading them? You're in luck, my friend. Check out this playlist of my favorite songs I listened to in 2023. Bless!