My Dumb Little Brain Just Got Blown After Seeing These 24 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The First Time Last Week

My Dumb Little Brain Just Got Blown After Seeing These 24 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The First Time Last Week

1.The eyes of Michelangelo's "David" are heart-shaped:

Close-up of a conservator restoring the face of Michelangelo's David, focusing on the nose while wearing magnifying glasses

Now, ain't that sweet.

Franco Origlia / Getty Images

2.This is what "the inside" of a movie screen looks like:

Empty theater seating, viewed from behind a meshed screen, with dim lighting. No people present

3.This is the Quetzalcoatlus, the largest flying creature to have ever existed:

A Quetzalcoatlus as big as a giraffe on display, with a small boy next to it

4.And here's what that big ol' beast looks like from the front:

Close-up of a large bird sculpture with a detailed feather texture, set against an ornately decorated ceiling

What a sweet little boy.

u/zelph_esteem / Via

5.This is what New Zealand looks like from space:

A satellite view of an island, likely New Zealand's South Island, surrounded by the ocean with visible mountain ranges and varied terrain. Space station parts appear at the edges

I think I see Thomas Bombadil.


6.A normal-size piece of paper looks incredibly tiny when held by Shaq:

Shaquille O'Neal in a suit holding a piece of paper

Look at that puny little piece of paper. Pathetic.


7.This is just a small sample of what researchers found in King Tut's tomb after discovering it in 1922:

King Tut's artifacts

You can see an entire chariot just casually chillin' there.

Heritage Images / Getty Images

8.Here's another look at more of what was found in the tomb:

Photograph of a collection of items excavated from Tutankhamun's tomb, including furniture, chests, and various artifacts, arranged in a dense pile

Look at all that fake bread.

Heritage Images / Getty Images

9.Baby zebras are born with brown stripes before they eventually turn black:

A baby zebra next to its parent

Or maybe someone just mowed a lawn right next to that zebra.

Martin Harvey / Getty Images

10.This is how big a dinosaur's leg bone is next to a human:

A woman stands in a garage filled with workout equipment, kayaks, and various tools. She is holding a water bottle and leaning against a wooden beam

Dinosaurs: they were big! Who knew?

Mark Felix / AFP /AFP via Getty Images

11.The propellers on the back of the Titanic were absolutely gigantic:

Workers stand in front of Titanic’s massive propellers in a shipyard. The impressive scale of the ship's construction is prominently displayed
Vernon Lewis Gallery / Getty Images/Stocktrek Images

12.Here's what one of those propellers looks like today:

A rusty propeller from the wreckage of the RMS Titanic lies on the ocean floor, partially covered in sediment

I got the creeps.

Krista Few / Getty Images

13.Most of the palm trees you see out and about are trimmed. Here's what a bunch of un-trimmed ones look like:

Several tall palm trees in a dry, rocky landscape, casting long shadows on the ground

14.Before modern car washes were invented, one particularly wacky idea was for cars to drive around through water in a circle:

Vintage cars driving through circular water-filled channels at the Auto Wash Bowl, an early car wash facility featuring automatic water jets

It cost 25 cents but you can safely assume the memories lasted a lifetime.

Underwood Archives / Getty Images

15.This X-ray, taken by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, is the first X-ray ever:

An early X-ray image shows a hand wearing a ring, labeled "Hand mit Ringen," produced by the Physik Institut der Universität Würzburg

16.2XL is the United States is equivalent to 4XL in Australia and Europe:

Clothing label indicating sizes: AU-4XL, EU-4XL, USA-2XL

USA, baby! We're #2!

u/testingtestingtestin / Via

17.This is what a handful of 200 year old nails look like compared to modern nails:

Rusty nails are arranged on a wooden surface next to a bundle of blue and silver nails in Prime packaging

18.Black paper towels exist:

black paper towel roll

We call them goth paper towels around here.

u/b4da55 / Via

19.This is a picture from Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration in 1865. Can you spot him?

Historical photograph of a large crowd gathered in front of the U.S. Capitol building for Abraham Lincoln's 1861 inauguration. Abraham Lincoln is in the center on a raised platform

Hint: he's a man wearing black.

Universal History Archive / Contributor

20.This is what an octopus bite looks like:

A hand with a minor wound on the back, surrounded by a circle drawn with ink. A bandage is being applied over the wound


u/rohit_singh12 / Via

21.This is how much a coal miner in Dorchester, Virginia made in a week 1962:

Payroll slip from Wise Coal & Coke Company, Dorchester, VA, dated December 15, 1962. Various hours and deductions are listed, resulting in a total earning of $20.55

22.Have you ever looked closely at the backs of a cat's legs? There are whiskers there called carpal whiskers:

Longer hairs at the back of a cat's leg

That's your daily Cat Fact.

u/canoworms76 / Via

23.This is what a 100-sided die looks like:

A circular die with many numbers on it held between a thumb and forefinger

24.And, finally, this is what a peeled blueberry looks like:

A piece of food resembling a roasted New York cheesecake sits on a wooden surface

Nature is incredible.

u/spacetomtato05 / Via