"I'm going to keep riding here" - Arrogant E-Moto Rider Responds To Pedestrians

Surrons are electric motorcycles that have burst onto the scene in the last few years. Though they can go 70 mph, the fact that they are quiet makes some riders feel like they can go where bikes do.

Watch one Surron Rider get into an argument with some pedestrians on a bike path below.

In this video, YouTuber Brayden Seraichyk is riding his Surron on the bike path when he is stopped by two walkers. When they say there are no Motor vehicles, Brayden responds that the Surron is a class 2 e-bike, and thus legal on the bike path.

Whether e-bikes are allowed on this path is irrelevant; the lack of pedals or a 20 mph governor means the Surron is not legally an e-bike. It seems clear that this is a prepared response from Brayden and an untruthful one at that. See the helpful diagram of legal classifications of e-bikes below.

E-bike categories <p>Juiced Bikes</p>
E-bike categories

Juiced Bikes

You can also read more about categories here.

In this video, Brayden says he has talked to police officers who have told him only to be safe. While it is probably good they did not pin and arrest a 15-year-old, It still seems like they should do something about a motorcycle that can go faster than my 4-cylinder truck on the bike path.

At the risk of sounding like I am about to tell people to get off my lawn, getting ticketed used to be a threat.

Related: "Those Are Illegal Here"- Mountain Biker Confronts Electric Bike Riders

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