I'm Fully Crying Over the Windmill Reference That Producers Snuck into 'The Bachelor' Tonight

From Cosmopolitan

  • Peter Weber has a ~moment~ with a painting of a windmill on The Bachelor tonight.

  • It's a reference to the time that he spent the night in a windmill with Hannah Brown and they had sex four times, obvs.

It's cute that you thought that Peter Weber's season of The Bachelor was done bringing up Hannah Brown, cause even though pilot Pete only has six women left, he's still out here talking about his feelings for Hannah.

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC

Tonight's episode started with Peter walking wistfully down the streets of Lima, Peru, and in a voice-over we hear him talking about how serious he is about finding his future wife on the show, as if most of the winners of The Bachelor don't split up anyways. Part of Peter's feelings include him being worried that the women don't feel strongly about him, and he cites his experience with Hannah, saying:

Last week definitely instill some fear in me for the first time...just because I'm falling doesn't mean that they're on the same page. And that's scary for me. About a year ago, I obviously fell for Hannah, and I thought that it was there between the two of us, but I just didn't see it [her eliminating him] coming. And that absolutely terrifies me, that these other girls I'm really starting to fall for, that they could blindside me as well. I need to for sure know that all of these women see just as much potential with me as I see with them.

But the best part is that during the part of his little speech where he talks about Hannah, he somehow finds a painting of a windmill on the streets of Peru, and looks at it longingly:

Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC

Which obviously prompted some hilarious twitter reactions:

And let's be real—it's WILD that the producers happened to find a random painting of a windmill, so what do we think: Was the painting planted there for Peter to have a dramatic moment?

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