Two Alleged Non-Human Aliens Were Presented To Mexico's Congress, And The Reactions Are Truly Hilarious

Two "non-human" bodies were presented to Mexico's congress the other day when Mexico held hearings about UFOs just like the US did a couple months ago.

man standing next to two display cases with the non-human bodies

The little critters were supposedly found in Peru in 2017.

small skeleton in a casket display

One of 'em is said to be 700 years old and the other is said to be 1800 years old.

closeup of a skeleton

According to CBS News, the "aliens" have only three fingers and elongated heads.

closeup of the head

A video from Al Jazeera is going super viral because of the reactions.

Reuters/Twitter: @AJEnglish

From "They purchased it at Spirit Halloween"...

Reuters/Twitter: @alt_bimbo_

... to "That's the Sour Patch Kid that fell under my bed a year ago."

Reuters/ Twitter: @GalaxyPeaBrain

The whole thing is pretty absurd.

Twitter: @alex_abads

Here are some of the funniest reactions:

Reuters/Twitter: @RobertScammell

Reuters/Twitter: @cvltistkid

Reuters/Twitter: @_MissZita

Reuters/Twitter: @jessolpunkass

Reuters/Twitter: @MichelleHigh

Reuters/Twitter: @boocahballz

Reuters/Twitter: @KMJeezy

Reuters/Twitter: @ChuckNowlinWZLX

Reuters/Twitter: @NYSocialBee

Reuters/Twitter: @caseyaonso

Reuters/Twitter: @jagerbott

Reuters/Twitter: @_ur_g4y

And lastly...

Reuters/Twitter: @kenklippenstein