I'm a Dietitian & These Are My Favorite Recipes Using Canned Foods

If you are on a budget or have limited fridge space, there are a lot of good reasons to incorporate canned foods when you can. Whether you want to up your vegetable intake, add more protein or boost the nutrition in your meals, canned foods like tomatoes, beans and seafood make it affordable and delicious to do so. Canned legumes and vegetables last longer than their fresh or frozen counterparts, and cook up more quickly to save you time in the kitchen. Plus, canned fish like salmon and tuna help me eat more seafood on a budget. Cooking with canned foods doesn't have to spare any flavor, either. Recipes like Skillet Ravioli Lasagna and Tuna, White Bean & Dill Salad are my go-tos when I want a tasty, healthy meal with pantry-friendly ingredients. For more dietitian tips on how to eat healthy on a budget, check out Thrifty.