19 Illustrated Short Stories Of The Exact Moment A Real-Life Relationship Had Run Its Course

When I wrote about the "wake-up call" moments exes realized their former partners didn't love them anymore, I heard from over 600 readers who anonymously shared their own moments of realization with me. Here are some of those anonymous confessions, illustrated:

1.The One Who "Might Grow To Love Me"

keys on the table

2.The Ex Who Wouldn't Even Lift A Pinky

ikea manual parody depicting building the furniture is happier solo than with a partner

3.The Ex Who Made It Clear Who They Really Were

broken pair off glasses

4.The Business School Wannabe Who Couldn't Be Bothered

gmat book in trash

5.The Ex Who Stopped Grabbing Their Butt

person bending over

6.The Ex Who Lived Their Life Together On His Terms

postcard that says "wish i wasn't here"

"At dinner with friends, he told everyone we were retiring to San Diego. It was the first I had heard of it. But it was par for the course. We lived his life, not our life."


Pernell Quilon

7.The Army Wife Who Abandoned Her Injured Spouse

sitting on couch in halo brace

8.The One Who Had A Threshold For Their Ex's Breathing

awake in bed next to partner

"My ex said that I was breathing too loud when we were in bed. And it was so hateful."


Pernell Quilon

9.The Man Who Outran His Wife On Crutches

walking down sidewalk on crutches

10.The One Who Couldn't Think Of A Single Thing

wiping away tears during marriage counseling

11.The Long-Distance Ex Who Suddenly Went Cold

texting in bed

12.The One Who Couldn't Even Watch A Movie

watching tv in the dark

13.The Ex Who Had A Chip On His Shoulder

a lone chip bag in the chip aisle

14.The Ex Who Acted Like She Wasn't Even In The Room

standing in the corner of the room

15.The One Who Treats His Wife Like A Roommate

older person sitting alone next to empty chair

16.The Ex-Husband Who Moved Into The Guest Room

partner stands outside bedroom

17.The Ex Who Watched His Girlfriend Move Out

moving boxes

18.The One Who Didn't Know How (Or Just Didn't Care) To Merge

car driving down a winding road

19.The Ex Who Lost Sight Of Their Partner's Face

contact lens case

What's your own moment of realizing an ex no longer loved you as much as you thought? Share your own story in the comments or through this anonymous Google form. Your moment of clarity could inspire someone else's epiphany.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.