Ikea Is Turning Recycled Bottles Into Kitchen Cabinets

Ikea Is Turning Recycled Bottles Into Kitchen Cabinets

As if Ikea couldn’t make us love them more, the Swedish furniture retailer announced at its Democratic Design Day event that it’s launching a cabinet line that will be made from reclaimed wood and recycled plastic bottles. According to its 2015 Sustainability Report, the company aims to source 100 percent of its wood, paper, and cardboard from sustainable sources by August 2020—and this new cabinet line is just one of the first steps.

Normally, Ikea’s kitchen cabinets are made from man-made wooden planks, but the new line, Kungsbacka, is made from reclaimed wood with a veneer made from recycled plastic bottles. The line will hit stores in U.S. and Sweden in February 2017.

Ikea’s efforts to go green don’t stop at its new cabinets: The retailer also plans to launch chairs made from recycled wood and plastic, as well as vases made from recycled glass.

While you wait for the new product launches, get a sneak peek at IKEA’s new shopping bags, and see how you’ve been pronouncing IKEA wrong all along.

h/t Apartment Therapy

This article originally appeared on RealSimple.com.