Ikea Just Jumped on the Adult Coloring Book Bandwagon

Photo credit: IKEA
Photo credit: IKEA

From House Beautiful

It appears the "adult coloring book" trend isn't slowing down anytime soon - especially since a little store you might have heard of called Ikea just joined the movement. The Swedish retail giant designed downloadable illustrations featuring doodles of some of their most popular pieces - so don't be surprised if you recognize your couch in the middle of the page.

Not familiar with adult coloring? It's simple: Basically the repetitive motion and quiet alone time is a major stress reliever, as it helps prompt meditation and mindfulness. But the designs are far from the princess pages your daughter is filling out. They're often elaborate and intricate, with Ikea's version focusing on their famous book shelves, lamps, and even house plants.

So stop spending your hard-earned money on massages in an attempt to relax - just download the illustrations, light a candle, brew a mug of mint tea, and grab a couple crayons from your kid's backpack the next time you need to unwind after a hectic day.

[via Apartment Therapy

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