IDK About Y’all, But I Genuinely Swear By These Concentration Hacks

As a person with ADHD, concentrating on stuff has always been difficult for me. My mind keeps jumping from one thought to another throughout my waking hours. Although this helps me multitask and come up with new ideas, sometimes, this is not a desirable state of mind. It is difficult when I have to sit down and concentrate on one task, like studying for an examination or completing a work deadline. Here are 15 tips that helped me and other people with ADHD (from r/adhdwomen) concentrate better:

Salon Line / Giphy / Via

1.Imagine someone watching you work and you showing off how much you can get done/how well you work.

A man smiling at the laptop

2.Bribe yourself with a small treat.

A woman journalling

3.Be your own parent.

Mother and child

4.Put up a mirror to check on yourself.

A woman looking at the mirror

5.Get someone to work in the same room as you.

Two people working

6.Taking a walk.

A woman walking

7.Play music or a podcast while working.

A woman working

8.Add trivial things to get your daily task started.

A woman having breakfast

9.Listen to your body.

A  student taking a nap between studying

When you can't find the motivation to work, no matter how hard you try, it might be a sign to take a break. Stop whatever you are doing, go for a walk, get a snack, or take a nap.

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10.Use "study with me" or "work with me" videos.

A person studying with other people

This, again, goes back to the idea that having someone work with you will lead you to hold yourself accountable and leads to getting work done.

10'000 Hours / Getty Images

11.Put your phone away.

A woman working

12.Maintain a work-life balance.

A woman in her garden

You are not your work. It can be extremely helpful for your concentration while working if you have a balance between work and other stuff. A lack of work-life balance might lead you to crave more personal time while working, and eventually, slacking off at work.

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13.Making detailed to-do lists.

A to do list

14.Make yourself as comfortable as possible.

A woman working

15.Write down your intrusive thoughts.

A notebook and a pen on a table

Are there any other tips you would like to give? Let me know in the comments section below!