The Identity Of The Taco On 'The Masked Singer' Was Finally Revealed Last Night And People Were Shocked

Photo credit: Instagram/maskedsingerfox
Photo credit: Instagram/maskedsingerfox

From Delish

Last night's The Masked Singer finally gave us the answers we've been waiting for. The Taco's identity was revealed, and it looks like a handful of folks were right all along. Spoilers ahead! Don't say I didn't warn you!

First things first, let me remind you that some of the most popular viewer guesses up until this point were Tim Allen, Bob Saget, and Tom Bergeron. The panel of judges was still pretty stumped, and the final clue package didn't help very much. Last night's episode was friends week, meaning each clue package was done by a friend rather than one of the masked performers.

The clue package showed his friend behind a platter of seafood while they talked about their friendship with the taco, the importance of family, and the fact that the Taco has been entertaining America for years. One detail that stuck out was the restaurant menu in the package was spelled with both the letter M and E capitalized, which got the judges wondering if the taco had one an Emmy before. Taco went on to perform "Can't Help Myself" by The Four Tops and once again put on a great show.

After voting took place, it was decided that the Taco would be revealed. With T-Pain as a guest judge, the panel made their final guesses about who was underneath the mask. No one was confident, with names like Barry Manilow, Martin Short, Kelsey Grammer, Howie Mande, and Jerry Springer being thrown around. Then, the moment we've all been waiting for happened.

Nick Cannon helped Taco take off the mask, and Tom Bergeron was revealed. A lot of people on Twitter were correct all along! Even better, the friend that was behind the seafood in the clue package was Bob Saget, so those that guessed him were also kind of right.

So Taco was Tom Bergeron all along and we can finally know peace again...that is, until next week's episode!

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