How to Identify and Treat Baby Acne

What To Do When Your Baby Is Breaking Out

Medically reviewed by Lyndsey Garbi, MD

Many parents find it hard to believe that there is acne on their baby's face. However, pediatric acne or "baby acne" is actually very common.

Infantile acne usually is not a serious problem. The blemishes often clear up on their own. If they don't, there are treatments that can help.

Rarely, baby acne is a sign of a medical condition—for example, a problem with hormones.

This article explains what baby acne looks like, what causes it, how it's diagnosed, and how it's treated. You'll also learn how to care for your baby's skin if they have infantile acne.

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Types of Baby Acne

There are two types of acne that can affect babies: neonatal acne and infantile acne. The primary difference between the types is when the acne develops.

Whereas neonatal acne usually appears within the first two to six weeks of life, infantile acne develops later when the baby is between six weeks to six months of age. Infantile acne is less common.

Both types of baby acne tend to get better on their own. However, if your baby develops infantile acne, you should take them to see a pediatrician for an evaluation. Although rare, infantile acne can be a sign of an underlying problem related to your baby's hormones.

What Does Baby Acne Look Like?

Just like other types of acne, baby acne causes blackheads, papules, and pustules to appear on the skin. Some babies get acne nodules and cysts, but it's rare.

Breakouts typically occur on the cheeks, but they can also pop up on the chin, nose, and forehead. Baby acne looks like a rash of small red dots, sometimes with white in the center (white heads).

Baby acne is usually mild to moderate. However, some babies can get inflammatory acne, which is a more severe form of acne.

Inflammatory vs. Non-Inflammatory Acne

Acne can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory. The key difference is what causes each type:

  • Inflammatory acne is caused by bacteria.

  • Non-inflammatory acne is caused by clogged or closed pores.

Baby acne typically lasts for six to 12 months but can last for a few years. The condition affects about 2% of infants ages 2 months to 12 months. It's more common in males than females.

Related: Signs of Acne

What Causes Baby Acne?

The exact cause of baby acne is unknown. Most experts think it's probably caused by many of the same factors that cause teen acne—for example, androgen hormones in the body that stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more oil.

Excess oil plugs the pores and makes comedones. Bacteria that are normally found on the skin begin to multiply in the blocked pore. This blockage leads to irritation, redness, and swelling, which you see as an inflamed pimple.

Some experts think that children who have acne as babies are more likely to have severe acne when they're teens.

There could also be a genetic component to baby acne: infants with acne often have parents who had acne at some point in their lives.

Babies and Hormones

Acne does not mean that your baby has a hormone imbalance. Most babies with infantile acne have hormone levels that are within the normal range.

Instead, babies with infantile acne are just more sensitive to the hormones that cause acne.

Related: Does Acne Run In Families?

How Is Baby Acne Diagnosed?

If you're worried about your baby's acne, talk to your pediatrician. They can figure out if the blemishes are acne or a sign of another skin condition.

If your provider is not sure about the cause, they might refer you to a pediatric dermatologist.

Rarely, acne in babies is a sign of a hormonal problem. One example is a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

A provider can rule this condition out by doing blood tests to check your babies' hormone levels and look for any other signs and symptoms.

If testing shows your baby has a hormonal condition, you'll need to see a provider who specializes in how hormonal glands function in young people (a pediatric endocrinologist).

Related: What Causes Newborn Skin Peeling?

Similar Conditions

Not all bumps and breakouts are signs of baby acne. There are other reasons your baby might have a pimple-like rash, including:

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Newborn Acne vs. Infantile Acne

Though the terms are easily confused, there are many differences between acne in a newborn and acne in an older baby.

Newborn Acne

  • Appears within the first six weeks of life

  • Affects up to 20% of newborns

  • Does not last long; usually resolves on its own without treatment

  • Does not leave scars

Infantile Acne

  • Typically appears between three and six months of age

  • Affects less than 2% of infants

  • May last two years or more; may require prescription treatment

  • Can cause scarring

Related: Acne Types and Stages

How to Treat Baby Acne

The most common treatment for infantile acne is the "wait it out" approach.

Most cases of infantile acne clear up without treatment, so your pediatrician will probably recommend this strategy if your baby's acne is mild.

Related: How to Keep Your Baby's Skin From Drying Out

At-Home Treatment

If the waiting game frustrates you, know that there are some steps that you can take to be proactive about your baby's skin health.

Here are a few tips for caring for your baby's skin:

  • Gently cleanse your baby's face, especially after feedings. Use a soft washcloth and plain water or a mild fragrance-free soap with water when needed.

  • Don't scrub your baby's skin; remember that it's very sensitive. Scrubbing or vigorous washing will not clear up breakouts faster—but it will irritate the skin.

  • Don't pick, pop, or squeeze the blemishes; let them heal on their own.

  • Don't try to treat infantile acne yourself with over-the-counter (OTC) acne medications. These products can be very harsh on a baby's skin.

  • Avoid using greasy ointments.

Related: The Best Soaps for Acne


If your baby's acne is more severe or if it's leaving scars, your baby's provider might prescribe an acne treatment to help get it under control.

Infantile acne can be treated with many of the same medications that are used to treat acne in teens, including:

For babies with severe acne that has not been helped by other treatments, isotretinoin might be prescribed.

Related: How Is Acne Treated?


While you'd probably be surprised to spot a pimple on your baby, you'll likely recognize acne right away—especially if you had it yourself.

Infantile looks a lot like teen or adult acne: a cluster of pimples on the cheeks, chin, nose, and/or forehead.

Baby acne usually shows up between the ages of three and six months old. It can go away quickly or last several years.

Most pediatricians recommend a "wait and see" approach to treat baby acne, as it tends to get better on its own. However, some babies need acne medication to clear up their skin.

In some cases, what looks like acne is actually another skin condition. While it's not common, the blemishes can also be a sign of an underlying health condition—usually, one related to hormones.

Related: Can You Catch Acne From Someone?