Idaho Ski Resort Takes Major Step In Completing New Chairlift

Summer's here, and you know what that means: ski resort infrastructure upgrades.

Yesterday, Schweitzer Mountain, Idaho, uploaded a video of construction crews pouring concrete for the new Creekside Quad chairlift.

The Creekside Quad, slated to replace the Musical Chairs Double, is part of Schweitzer's plan to reinvigorate the Creek Village area. The Creekside Quad will connect the Creek Village area to Schweitzer's main village, improving skier lift capacity to an estimated 2,400 guests per hour. This is between a two and threefold increase over the Musical Chairs Double.

Other upgrades to Creek Village include a bridge over Schweitzer Creek, an expanded 1,400-space parking lot, and a road connecting the lot to a nearby roundabout.

In a webpage dedicated to the Creek Village Project, Mountain Operations Director Rob Batchelder explained the potential benefits of the new quad lift:

“Not only will it be easier for beginner skiers and riders to load and unload, the new lift will increase capacity to 2,400 guests per hour (2-3 times the existing capacity) allowing guests to upload and download safer and more efficiently. It will also provide the opportunity to transport “foot passengers” without skis or snowboards to and from the village, even in summer.”

Schweitzer plans to open the Creekside Quad during the 2023-2024 winter season.

Click here for more details about the Schweitzer Creek Village Project.

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