Idaho Ski Resort Selling Chairlifts For Charity

Schweitzer Mountain, Idaho, announced yesterday, August 20th, that they will auction off several decommissioned chairlifts in support of the Kaniksu Land Trust's Save the Sled Hill campaign.

See below for more details.

The chairs come from the beloved Musical Chairs two-seater, which is currently being replaced by the new Creekside Express Quad, slated for opening during the 2023-2024 winter.

To pick one up, you have two options.

First, mosy on over to SledFest -- an August 26th community event and music festival held at Sandpoint, Idaho's iconic Sled Hill property -- and make a $2,000 charitable donation to the Kaniksu Land Trust. Only ten chairs will be available at SledFest.

Second, participate in an online sale at starting Monday, August 28th at 10 AM.

All chairlift proceeds will benefit the Kaniksu Land Trust's Save the Sled Hill Campaign.

The campaign is focused on raising enough funds for Kaniksu Land Trust to outright purchase the Sled Hill property, which has served as a ski hill and sled hill for Sandpoint's community over the years.

Kaniksu Land Trust believes that the Sled Hill provides opportunities for outdoor recreation and conservation and hopes to ensure that the property remains open for the public into the future.

While the Friends of Kaniksu Land Trust has already purchased the sled hill, the acquisition isn't set in stone yet -- the organization has until November 2023 to raise the $2.1 million required for purchasing and establishing the property as public access.

The Kaniksu Land Trust is a charitable organization dedicated to protecting and conversing natural areas in Montana and Idaho, alongside promoting public land access.

A portion of its mission statement reads: "We have a deep respect for the lands of the Kaniksu Region. We work to conserve the forests, farmlands, mountains, and valleys of this area. Through our collective caring for the land and water, we ensure that it endures for future generations."

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