Idaho Ski Area Reports First Snowfall Of The Season

Idaho's Pomerelle Ski Area just became one of the first ski resorts in North America to report snowfall accumulation heading into the Winter '23-'24 season.

Pomerelle took to social media on Monday, August 21st, to share a webcam image  that shows light snow accumulation at the mountain's 7,760 ft. base area. The screenshot was captured at 1:30AM on August 21st.

Even though the picture is dark, the ground is coated in a light layer of white, and fat flakes can be seen falling from the sky. Just enough to pique the interests of skiers and snow lovers yearning for winter.

The snow has since melted, unfortunately, but the year's first dustings means that Fall and Winter are just around the corner.

It won't be long before places like Arapahoe Basin, CO and Wild Mountain, MN begin to crank their snow guns in the inevitable race to open first.

Can you hear it? Can you smell it? Can you feel it? Winter is coming, friends.

Pomerelle won't be competing in the first-to-open race, but fear not, the mountain is usually open by mid-December, at the very latest. Read below for more information about Pomerelle.

Pomerelle Trail Map
Pomerelle Trail Map

Pomerelle Stats/Info:

Vertical: 1,002 ft.

Skiable Terrain: N/A

Average Snowfall: 500 in.

Lifts: 3

Trails: 35

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: YES

Mega-Pass: Indy Pass

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