ICYMI, Someone On TikTok Tested A Giant Hot Cocoa Bomb That Made Many, MANY Servings Of The Drink

From Delish

Here’s a challenge for anyone who’s tired of regular ol’ hot cocoa bombs: Make a massive one instead. Someone on TikTok tweaked the wintertime trend by enlarging it. While the hot cocoa bomb takes a min to melt, it’s exciting to anticipate nevertheless.

A two-part video from TikToker @laura.shearer shows a giant hot cocoa bomb being placed into a big pot full of hot milk. The hot cocoa bomb looks like it’s made of milk chocolate and drizzled with white chocolate. For a festive touch, the chocolate sphere is covered in blue and white sprinkles. As the hunk of chocolate slowly melts, someone uses a ladle to pour a bit of the milk on top of it in the hope it will melt faster. Eventually, the hot cocoa bomb does its job and breaks apart to reveal hot cocoa powder and plenty of marshmallows—though, you don’t see that until the second video!

As we know from many other TikTok food trends—from mini donut cereal to table nacho spreads—making anything bigger or smaller than it needs to be is always a good idea. If you’re too impatient to wait for a big hot cocoa bomb to melt, you can speed up the process by putting less milk in the pot and pouring a pitcher of hot milk over it at a constant rate. Problem solved! No matter how you go about it, creating a giant hot cocoa bomb is a solid sweets-related activity to preoccupy yourself.

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