How to Turn Hydrangeas Blue or Pink

It’s all About Soil Acidity or Alkalinity When it Comes to Changing Colors

<p>somnuk krobkum / Getty Images</p>

somnuk krobkum / Getty Images

Reviewed by Barbara Gillette

Hydrangeas come in beautiful shades of white, blue, pink, and green. Unlike other flowering shrubs, hydrangeas have the unusual ability to change their flower color. The determining factor of hydrangea color is the level of soil acidity: in alkaline soil, hydrangea flowers turn pink, while in acidic soil, they turn blue.

If the soil is not naturally alkaline or acidic, you can gradually amend it to change the flower color of your hydrangea. However, not all hydrangea varieties can change their flower color from pink to blue and vice versa. Learn how to make your hydrangeas blue or pink below.

What are Anthocyanins?

Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments in the "flower heads" or bracts. When the pigment's molecules are closely stacked together in the plant tissue of the bracts, the blooms appear blue. When they are sparse and scattered, they appear pink.

What Determines Hydrangea Color

Two interdependent factors determine whether the hydrangea blooms pink or blue: the availability of the micronutrient aluminum to the plant and the soil pH.

The more aluminum the plant can absorb from the soil, the closer the pigment molecules in the bracts move together, thus turning the color blue. When less aluminum is absorbed, the molecules in the flower move apart, causing it to turn pink.

The amount of aluminum available to plants is determined by the soil's pH level. This is because aluminum is more soluble in soils with a lower pH level (acidic) as opposed to those with a higher pH (alkaline). Although most soils contain enough aluminum, it may not be available to the plant if the soil pH is above a certain level.

Here's how soil pH affects the hydrangea flower color:

  • Acidic soil (pH 5.0-5.5): Blue flowers

  • Neutral to alkaline soil (pH 5.5– 6.5): Mauve, purple, or a mixture of blue and pink flowers

  • Alkaline soil (pH 6.5-7.0): Pink flowers

<p>lubilub / Getty Images</p>

lubilub / Getty Images

Which Types of Hydrangeas Change Colors

Before you take any steps to change your hydrangea colors, you need to identify what kind of hydrangea you have.

Of the many different varieties, only bigleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), also known as French, mophead, or lacecap hydrangeas, and mountain hydrangeas (Hydrangea serrata) can change the color of their flowers.

The color of oakleaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia) and peegee hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) with white or cream-colored flowers cannot be changed.


Keep in mind that some cultivars are bred to have blue flowers and others pink flowers regardless of the soil pH.

How to Change Hydrangea Color

Test the Soil

Obtain a soil pH testing kit from a garden center or your local Cooperative Extension Office. Perform the test according to the directions to determine the pH of the soil. Analyze the results and decide if you need to increase or decrease the pH to achieve your desired flower color.

Select Your Soil Amendment

Choose your soil amendment based on the current pH level and your desired color.

Add Amendment to the Soil

Granular Method (any time of year): Apply the product around the base of the plant and work it into the soil with a rake or a cultivator.

Liquid Drench Method (March, April, May): Dissolve 1 tablespoon of aluminum sulfate for blue flowers or 1 tablespoon of hydrated lime for pink flowers in 1 gallon of water. Drench the soil around the hydrangea with this solution, taking care not to spill any on the leaves.


Do not measure amendments to the soil based on guessing or estimating. Adding too much or too little may harm your hydrangea and surrounding plants. Please follow the directions carefully so you know exactly how much product to use based on soil type and current pH level as tested.

<p>Svetlana Ievleva / Getty Images</p>

Svetlana Ievleva / Getty Images

Additional Methods

There are some organic methods you can try to get your hydrangeas to turn blue or pink.

Coffee Grounds for Blue Hydrangeas

Some gardeners claim success in changing the color of their hydrangeas with coffee grounds. Leftover grounds will increase the acidity of your soil therefore turning the blooms blue. Sprinkle them in late fall and work them into the soil. Repeat the process whenever you fertilize.

Egg Shells for Pink Hydrangeas

Crushed eggshells may be one way to get your hydrangeas to turn pink. Add them to your soil and mix in well. As the eggshells slowly break down, they will reduce the acidity of your soil. Aluminum will be harder to absorb and your blooms are likely to turn pink over time.

Maintaining the Soil pH

Have patience after amending your soil. The soil pH change can take several weeks, months or even up to a year to take effect and show in the flower color of your hydrangeas. The bigger the change you need to make in the soil pH to get the desired flower color, the more difficult and lengthier the process will be.

Continue to test the soil during this time and further amend if necessary. Changing the pH is a gradual process that does not happen all at once. Even if you can get the soil to the desired pH, it will naturally revert to its original pH as time goes on. This can make changing your hydrangea color feel like an uphill battle. If your soil is naturally alkaline or naturally acidic, you may want to learn to love the color you have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my white hydrangea change color later in the summer?

There are hydrangea cultivars such as Strawberry Sundae and Strawberry Vanilla whose flowers change as the season progresses. They start as white flowers earlier in the summer and gradually transition into shades of pink or red when they age. This color change has nothing to do with soil acidity, it is a result of the plant breeding.

Why does my hydrangea have pink, blue, and purple flowers at the same time?

Seeing multiple colors simultaneously is usually an indication that your soil pH is somewhere in the middle of the acidity spectrum (pH 5.5 to 6), so you get a range of flower colors between blue and pink. To tweak the color towards more pink or bluer, follow the directions for soil amendments above.

What is the best fertilizer for blue hydrangeas?

The best fertilizer for blue hydrangea cultivars is a fertilizer for acid-loving plants. Apply it once in the spring before the growing season starts. If you are using a general-purpose fertilizer, use one that is low in phosphorus (K) because phosphorus competes with aluminum for nutrient uptake and lower aluminum means less blue flower coloration.

Read the original article on The Spruce.