Hustlers review: a jaw-dropping Jennifer Lopez dares you to take her seriously

Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu in Hustlers - A136_C010_050190
Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu in Hustlers - A136_C010_050190

Dir: Lorene Scarafia. Cast: Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Julia Stiles, Keke Palmer, Lili Reinhart, Cardi B, Lizzo, Stormi Maya, Madeline Brewer, Mercedes Ruehl. 15 cert, 110 mins

You’ve never seen Jennifer Lopez sell a character quite like she does in Hustlers. In a ruling-the-roost turn that’s already much buzzed about, she plays Ramona, the queen of a New York strip club frequented by stock traders and other suits flashing the cash.

Her first scene is a practically nude pole-dance routine to the Fiona Apple song Criminal, and it fairly makes your jaw drop: she can do that? At 50?! There's instantly no doubt about how this voluptuous diva has installed herself at the top of the pecking order, even while younger upstarts thrust their way forward for a piece of the action.

The film leads off with its glitz and G-strings, and having already been introduced to its inexpert new girl, Destiny (Constance Wu), we might be – wrongly – expecting backstage rivalries to drive the plot. Showgirls showdowns and Burlesque bitch-slaps seem to hover in the wings, but vanish with a sidelong glance. The script is based on a 2015 New York Magazine article that went viral, about a real-life cabal of exotic dancers who juiced Wall Street with renewed zeal after the financial collapse.

If it didn’t sound lewd, you could say the bottom fell out of the lap-dance game in 2008. Where they previously took a measly cut of their own earnings – with bouncers, managers and other bar staff all muscling in – these girls suddenly found themselves short on customers, too. Ramona, Destiny, and confederates such as Annabelle (Lili Reinhart) and Mercedes (Keke Palmer) cook up a more coercive scheme, which inevitably, and gradually, all goes wrong.

They go on the prowl in late-night cocktail bars, armed with small vials of an MDMA-ketamine blend to slip into the drinks of unsuspecting rich guys, who can then be lured near-helplessly to the private clubs. In the morning, these stooges might spot credit card charges in the high five figures, but if the squiggly signatures are theirs, and barely-remembered fun was had, how can they possibly cry foul?

After Ocean’s 8 and Widows, this continues a run of all-female heist pictures where men start off with all the power – depressingly so – and women club together to trick them out of it. There are far worse crimes than this bad-girl grift, many happening behind those very same doors. Hints of sympathy for the besuited victims tend to be met with a snappy line about their own ill-gotten gains in the sub-prime days, and that’s that.

Then again, the film never bends over backwards – unlike J.Lo – to make martyrs of its heroines, either. While several are single mothers and all have seen their fair share of gross exploitation, they’re also shameless high rollers who treat themselves – and each other – to the best things money can buy. Does Destiny voice horrified animal-cruelty qualms when she unwraps a chinchilla coat at Christmas? You haven’t met Destiny, clearly.

Lili Reinhart, Jennifer Lopez, Keke Palmer, and Constance Wu in Hustlers
Lili Reinhart, Jennifer Lopez, Keke Palmer, and Constance Wu in Hustlers

The writer-director, Lorene Scarafia, borrows unashamedly from the GoodFellas playbook, but her film’s tawdry extravagance is tinged with a girls-together poignancy we never get from Scorsese, who actually turned down the chance to do this. It’s as if Sharon Stone’s Casino character had found a whole crew here for emotional support.

The star turn from Lopez is hilariously lush, her second scene even topping the first, as it frames her tigerish luxuriance against the steamy New York night. Louchely aglow post-performance, she’s reclining to smoke on the club’s rooftop, while Destiny meekly braves the cold to introduce herself. “Climb into my fur,” Ramona purs, and she’s hers.

Whether this protective bond can last is the question. We flash forward to a sober, after-the-fact interview situation, where Destiny sits sullenly taking questions from a journalist called Elizabeth (Julia Stiles) – a stand-in for Jessica Pressler, who wrote the New York piece. The character can’t hide her moral disapproval, but in the film’s brazen context she’s a stick-in-the-mud. Scarafia has done all the work to undo any prudishness in her audience, helped by Palmer’s warm support, not to mention Wu’s complexity, as a protagonist who learns fast and toughens up faster.

The film is capable of more than one point of view, revelling in steal-from-the-rich payback up to a point, but not using style or varnish to cover up the potential debasements of the stripper life, either. It’s so fitting that it has Lopez, a film star Hollywood has never taken all that seriously, to head up the operation, daring you with an entrance that’s about physique, aggressive allure and incredibly hard graft.

Ramona is not without self-doubt: while she knows how the dance of sex and money works better than anyone, she hasn’t got youth to sell any more. But this only beefs up her determination to empty every pocket, because there’s less and less time to lose.

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