This Husband's Kind Gesture for His Wife Who Lost Her Pinky Is Going Viral

Photo credit: Facebook/Libby Sanders
Photo credit: Facebook/Libby Sanders

From Prevention

While Libby Sanders has come to terms with losing her pinky finger, she can't help but be bummed about it when she polishes her nails and is forced to stop short.

After commenting to her husband Matt about this one day, he responded in the sweetest way, offering his pinky to be polished in place of his wife's missing finger. "I will be your surrogate pinky. You can paint my pinky to match your nails for the rest of our lives," he said.

Little did Matt know, his kind words would go viral, melting hearts across the Internet. Libby posted a photo of their matching manicures on Facebook, and it has already been shared over 126,000 times. In the photo, Libby holds her hand over Matt's, with his painted pinky showing where her pinky is missing.

Clearly, small but genuine gestures like this one have the power to make a marriage stronger. Helping his wife feel better about her insecurity was a no-brainer to Matt. Now, we're just hoping Libby inspires him to try out some fun nail trends like flower patterns!

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